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To each his own I guess. Some choose to say a lot, some choose to say little, some choose not to say anything with regards to pictures. Some like dark pictures, some like meaningful pictures, some like more meaningful pictures.

It's like telling you why I like apples over oranges. Why? Because I like them. Of course I can choose to write a long essay as to why I like apples but then if I choose not to, it's just that. Different people respond differently.

Perhaps they have more urgent things to attend to.;)


keep it simple/

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perhaps Im different. But there seems like a 1000 pictures I don't like on the net but others do. I just can't imagine myself asking 100,000s of people why they like or don't like certain pictures. Unless, of course, you need to.;0
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Travis - By your argument there is no such thing as valid criticism, whether photographic, literary or any other. It's all just a matter of personal taste. And one need not explain why a photograph/novel/play is good or not or where it could be stronger or where it shines. By your argument one just needs to make the pronouncement. Thumbs up or thumbs down. There's no art to it. It's arbitrary and entirely subjective. I think personal taste must enter into it, especially in regards to the specific genre you like. But you seem to be saying that there are no objective measures of good photography. Cartier-Bresson was great just because everybody thought his pictures were great and there would be nothing innately wonderful in his photographs without those people's opinion. By this argument Van Gogh would have been a mediocre painter while he lived and for the next 50 or so years. Then suddenly he would become one of the greatest modern painters because the general public just sort of changed it's mind.<BR><BR>

The reason I asked is because I hang out on this Leica forum and hear these pronouncements of "great picture" all the time and wonder what's behind the statement. When someone says a picture has "perfect composition" as Wentwong did about yours and I can?t see it I ask him, like any curious person who isn't walking on eggs, what is it that you find perfect about this composition. I am not asking 100,000 people. You made that up and it makes my question look ridiculous. I am trying to have a discussion with one person (now 2) who made a statement I can't see any evidence for. What is the problem?

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Ok I leave it to those who want to discuss my picture further. I just like the picture because of its darkness and the silhoutte thingy. I just like the feel of it. I have nothing more to say.

Please please discuss in great detail as you wish. I like to find out too...but I guess Im not articulate enough or knowledgeable enough to contribute to my own picture or anyone's else. I hope to contribute in future.

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I think Kent makes a good point. Not that every comment must be a profound analysis, I'd like to see something a bit more specific. It's pleasant for the poster to see "that's great!" type comments, and I'm pleased when that happens to one of mine, but it's ultimately empty of much meaning. It might cause others reading the thread to look again at the complimented photo, but has no other use.


I too don't want to criticize Wentong's compliment, just to understand what he saw there that I might have missed. "The arrangement of shadow masses" or some such, might be a good addition, or a reference to the moodiness or whatever. "Perfect" is also somewhat provocative as an absolute, so something additional might be especially useful here.


I'm enjoying this thread and the many other w/nw, so please carry on, and have fun. :-)<div>0097Ze-19132384.jpg.1fd2f66fa9c4741ebe966f7835482a20.jpg</div>

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Doug, I think most of us understand yours and Kent's point. To me, these "wow","great","very nice!" short comments have been given ever since pictures were posted in the leica forum and although they didn't mean much, nothing was done about it or the commentor asked for further reasonings.

SO my question is, why my picture in particular? why Wentong in particular? there are lots and lots of one worded comments going on and noone asked about them?

Of course it's good to somehow hear more about why people think a picture works or not in more than 50 sensible words but then my point is that we leave that choice to the commentors. Surely if they feel they have more to say, they'll say it. Encouraging everyone to say more is never a bad thing. I myself and Travis has little to say in words most times with regards to critiques, because I do not have that artistic foundation? to make my statements coherent or sensible, so most times I say if I like the picture or not. I see nothing wroing with that because that's my choice or words.

Wouldn't everyone like to be given freedom as to the way they critique?

Again, why me and Wentong specifically? There are 100s(no kidding) of few worded comments in our No Words section that needs to be addressed immediately!;)

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I hope you don't think it's a personal hit. "Perfect composition" has some meaning to me and Wentwong must have some reason for saying it. But without a basis for the critique the words ring hollow. I am asking him to help me see what about the composition he finds perfect. It's possible he and I think of composition differently. So I am asking him to define his terms. Please understand I am not picking on you or Wentwong. "This is not personal Sonny. It's business."
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I usually say I like a photo because it sticks out in some way from other photos in a way that pleases me, I could write paragraphs, but actually as Travis himself said, I like the light and dark and sillouette because it all works together to create a mood and a photographic moment (not neccessarily the actual mood at the time of the photograph)
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Everyone's "perfect" is different.Kent, obviously Wentong's "perfect" and yours differ, does it matter? I doubt even if he explained why it's perfect to him, it'll still differ from your standards and then lead to more questions etc. But hey you were trying to understand why Wentong likes it, that's cool but then WT perhaps was held up with something today shooting, who knows. WHy not email him and see if he has more to offer?;)

To me, that pic above isn't perfect, it just appeals to me personally so I posted it. Isn't that why we all post what we post?

Kent, nothing personal of course.;) Hey if you'd really like to critque, perhaps visit my porfolio, hundreds of pix there. Pick some of those u don't think works and then tell me why, I'd very much like to hear.;0

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The regional rules as closely as I can figure:<BR>

1. Don't question a critique even if it's unsubstantiated.<BR>

2. Praise photos you like but not too specifically. (great, wow, beautiful, perfect are safe bets)<BR>

3. Don't rip a photo even if it's terrible.<BR>

4. Don't make waves.<BR>

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