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Example photos of yellow-, orange-, red-filter portraits?


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Hello there,


I plan to shoot some outdoor available light b/w portraits. I like the

white, soft skin of black and white movies (Anna Karina in Godard's

films, for instance) and wonder which filter I should choose for a

similar effect.


Currently I think I'll choose between:


* B+W 022 medium yellow [8] or


* B+W 041 red-orange [22] or


* a 25 red filter.


Which one would you choose for the effect described above? I think the

red filter might be too harsh. Is the medium yellow filter too "mild"?


I tried to find example shots that used filters, but I didn't find a

single portrait.


Can you give me links to filtered b/w portraits or upload one or



Thanks in advance,


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Normally in B&W, yellow>red, color contrast filters see little use in portraiture.These will make flesh real "pastey".Sometimes light blue & green filters are used in portraits, but not for the effects you describe.


I would think that film choice and development, and printing paper & printing technique, would have more effect on the print's outcome than using a filter.

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