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SM vs RA? WTF?

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SM is the chemical boxes that Kodak makes that you just plug into the machine. The other type is the old mix your own and pour the chemicals into a tank. SM is definately easier, but also the mix is not perfected. RA is just the paper processing chemical type. There's RA-4 which is the standard type and mix your own chemicals. Then there's RA-2 which is basically RA-4, but uses SM chemical boxes from Kodak. They just called it RA-2 to differentiate between that and standard RA-4.


Now are you saying you are thinking of actually buying a used machine? That would be something. I've heard of people buying used machines and putting them in their living room. Keep in mind that these machines may need 220 power to run them.

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SM is also a faster process, using an accelerated developer, so you can't easily convert them to RA-4. RA-4 is a preferable system because you can use any standard RA-4 chemistry whereas with SM you are locked in to using Kodak SM chem. (though you can use any RA-4 paper) Also problems can develop with the SM pumps, the small valves tend to be fickle & need to be checked & replaced regularly. However once your familiar with it, the SM system is O.K.
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Well damn. I assume it won't have the replenisher tanks, just hoses to connect to the kodak boxes? :( That's no fun. I thought it was like my old CVS noritsu where i could mix repl and working tank solutions and away i could go.... And yeah it has the twist-lock 220v power connection. DAMN.
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Don't buy the SM system, the chemistry is not very stable and if you don't put enough

prints thru it you will be dumping and remixing alot. The SM system has very small

replenisher bellows pumps that have to have their popets changed about every six

months, they run about $50.00 for a pair and their are 5 pumps needing a pair each.

Not only are the machines 220 but they also must have a 40 amp separate circuit.

Where are you setting this up? Are you doing it yourself or having Noritsu come in

and reinstall it?

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I think you got wrong answers about RA chemicals. SM and RA are two type of C-41 chemicals from Kodak. C-41RA chemicals have twice the strength of regular C-41 chemicals. If the processor (for C-41 films) uses RA chemicals it cuts down bleach and fix time by a half. The C-41 RA developer replenisher also has twice the capacity of the regular C-41 replenisher. Yet the price is not too much more. Don't buy SM machines as other suggested. RA machines are more common and economical to operate.


Kodak chemicals are the only ones you want to use. They are easily available from minilab chemical suppliers in each major city throughout the nation. They mostly don't advertise their existence for some strange reasons. These companies are mostly warehouse based. They do not have stores to show you what they sell. Just call them and they will deliver, if you own a mini lab. They all have a huge pile of photo paper (RA-4 paper) in their warehouse. I was told by one company when I saw their pile of paper that it may look a huge pile but it will be all sold in a week or two.

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I would guess then you will be using strictly Fuji film as well. Fuji prints great on Fuji paper, but looks like sh*t if you use Kodak films with Fuji paper. On the flip side Kodak films as well as Fuji look good on Kodak paper. Kodak papers are more versatile. Personally I like Kodaks warm look over Fuji's cold/cool look, but thats me.
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"I would guess then you will be using strictly Fuji film as well. Fuji prints great on Fuji paper, but looks like sh*t if you use Kodak films with Fuji paper. On the flip side Kodak films as well as Fuji look good on Kodak paper. Kodak papers are more versatile. Personally I like Kodaks warm look over Fuji's cold/cool look, but thats me."


actually no. when I ran my photo kingdom at walshits, i always got beeauuutiful results with Porta 160/Gold 100-200 on Crystal Archive. I hate kodak paper, period. it just doesn't suit my taste. the only kodak paper i'd consider using are the portrait papers (Portra MAYBE). and did you ever get my reply to the email about the CD?

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