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upload photo

notso bad

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I am having difficulty having photos display in the body of the form post. The

first pic does, but then the subsequent ones have not. I have seen other posters

display a few images, so I must be doing something wrong. i thought my pics were

small enough.


This is the first time I have tries to post with pics.



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In most forums attached images should illustrate a point being made in your response. In that case posting multiple images probably wouldn't be a good idea even if you could do it.


Most forum policies suggest that images posted just to show others your images should really be posted to the gallery section. There are exception but even in those forums, it's probably not really appropriate to post a whole bunch of images in a forum.


However if there is need to post multiple images (can't think of one myself, but that's just me...), they should be under 511 pixels wide and in a format that photo.net can recognize. In the past some flavors of .jpg have caused the image to appear as a link rather than display because photo.net's software didn't understand the image header format. If the header is non-standard or corrupted in some way, the image will display as a link.

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You can only include one image per post unless you host the images on another site and link to them, like this, using html:


<img src=http://www.mysite.com/photo_1.jpg>


Some people do this but it isn't ideal because if the photos were ever to become unavailable it would make a nonsense of your post.

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