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is digital right for me?

a long time ago

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I'm sure there are a million perfect answer's to this

question,,,,,here's mine. If you're an aging

boomer with a couple bucks from a long summer of overtime and 2

weeks vacation in a use it or

loose it situation. And all you have ever wanted in your photography

world is a couple 8x10's

to put on the wall. YES.....You can't do it fast enough!!..because

it's THE tool that has been

missing from your closet that just may make it possible. The tool

is "instanisity feedbackerous" (I

made that up). You take a few snaps load ?em up ,,check ?em

out ...tell yourself "you putz" and

go take some more...but unlike before ,,you don't have to wait for

the walgreens girl to lie to you

about 1 hour, charge you 7 bucks, and use her auto exp. comp to hand

you back a package of

same old same old. And if there is one good shot, chances are I

won't remember what I did

anyway. Because I'm tired from work and I never have been much of a

note taker any

way....... sorry about all the bandwidth in advance..I'd tell my

wife but she would just roll her

eye's and wonder to herself "when is this fool going back to

work".... here's the story.

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Got up this morning (last day of vacation).said to myself ...maybe some still life...f22/20 sec. No

flash....av mode, 300d with my 50/1.8 at the helm with +1exp.comp to try and bring out the dark details.. center

weighted meter....exp. ok but the white box acted as a reflector to the fluoresent room light and

made the old blanket the subject. Poor color in shadows whites washed out..

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