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new moderators for this forum: Mary Ball and Garry Edwards


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Garry Edwards and Mary Ball, two hard-working photo.netters in

different time zones, are going to be taking over primary moderation

responsibility for this forum. They take over from Ray Fraser, who

after several months on Compuware's bench is starting a new assignment and will

no longer be able to devout time to moderating feedback questions. I expect

that Garry and Mary will be deleting a lot

of questions with an emailed response to the original poster pointing

them to an older thread or the Terms of Use, so don't be surprised if

you see questions come and go.


Please do have a look at the forum policy before posting and remember

that the main goal is this forum is to provide guidance to the

programmers here at photo.net. Remember that we computer programmers

don't have too much imagination, so try to be specific as to what you

want changed. Also remember that we can't do too much programming

until we upgrade the core software behind photo.net to a clean version

of the ArsDigita Community System toolkit (i.e., starting November 1

or so).


I owe a great debt of thanks to Ray who put in a lot of time and effort to keep

this forum on-topic. I knew that it would only be temporary, but I think he has

done most of the heavy lifting.





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