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Kalart RF - fixable or dead?

j spear

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I have a Busch Pressman Model D with a Kalart side-mounted

rangefinder (the black one). I've read all of the adjustment

literature at graflex.org and elsewhere, but I can't find a

discussion of the problem I'm experiencing: the rangefinder images

do not move at all as the lens is racked in and out. The infinity

stops are properly calibrated for the lens; the rangefinder

actuating arm is properly (as far as I can tell) engaged with the

cam/eccentric on the focusing track. But, no movement of the images

at all.


Any ideas? Can this be fixed? Any ideas on how to diagnose and

address this problem would be appreciated.



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Take off the cover and check the little spring on the prism. It can get out of position and cause the problem. Gently (!) ckeck that the parts are free and things inside move when you rack the focus back and forth. Check that the actuating lever has not become loose on the shaft. If it has, and is slipping, the shaft must be racked all the way back, via the flats and a tiny wrench you will probably have to make, before tightening the set screw.
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When you look thru the view window do you see two off set images or just one? If you're seeing two then Glenn's responce should get you going, if you're seeing only one then the beam splitter is bad and needs to be replaced.




You will need to cut it to size (standard glass cutter and straight edge work well) and shim it with thin cardboard or mat board as the new product is thinner than the origional stuff. Clear silicone sealer/glue works well.



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