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If you are just learning photography, I'd suggest a photography class somewhere. You don't necessarily need to take a B&W class where they teach you to develop film and print (although I think those skills are still worthwhile). But learning basics about exposure, lighting, composition, etc are valuable no matter what camera you use.<p> For an SLR, either digital or film, you can't go wrong with either Nikon or Canon. They are the top two contenders in the 35mm and digital SLR market. Both are great. If you want digital, a Canon 350D or Nikon D50 are fine for a beginner. Do a little research, go to a store and handle both. Whichever you pick will be a good choice. Don't look back on the decision. Just shoot.
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Forget about DSLRs if you have financial considerations. They led me to the advanced Pro-sumers and over the past three or so years they have completely satisfied my needs for general photography since. I view the DSLR as a step backwards since I do not have the cash to spend on the extras, plus I like the convenience of a compact all-in-one camera.


If you are keen to do photography in poor lighting conditions you will get better results from a DSLR but will be handicaped by the cost of getting the same range of lenses that the Pro-sumer gives you in one package.


So my suggestions are Pansonic FZ5 or FZ30, else Nikon 8800 although it is a bit slower operating than the Panies it has a great lens.

Canon, Konica Minolta, Olympus, Kodak also make equivalent x10 or x12zoom lens cameras with image stabilisation. That or Anti-shake as KM call it is a key point in choosing a camera these days and I wouldn't buy one without it.


If you aim to get serious about digital photography then you should budget for a good editing programme like Adobe Elements #3 or better Paint Shop Pro v.7 onwards ... neither will break the bank but set you up to do almost everything a photographer needs to do.

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Konica Minolta 5D is the camera I would buy if I were in your position - and it is a position I found myself in a while ago. At that time tho, this camera wasn't in the market. So I bought a Nikon D70 and the 24-120VR lens.


The Anti Shake feature wins over other cameras when you don't have money to buy many lenses, especially the expensive Image Stabiliser / VR lenses from Canon / Nikon. Heck even good tripods cost a lot of money.


And besides you will never see anything like a cheap 50mm 1.8 VR (IS)lens, which is possible with this camera. Just put on a normal 50mm lens and turn on AntiShake on the camera.


I think this camera will give at least 50% more sharp images than another brand camera (without AS) especially if you shoot indoors. All you need is a big zoom (for convenience in general shooting) and fast prime lens (for those times when you really want a quality picture).


Happy shopping / shooting!

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The Canon/Nikon aficionados don't like to contemplate it, but the in-body anti-shake feature in the Konica Minolta DSLRs is THE killer feature. If you want to get into DSLRs and you don't have any baggage in the form of compatible lenses, the Konica Minolta 5D is the one to go for.
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"I've never had a digital slr camera and i think i want to buy one..."


Before you commit to something you're not sure of, I would suggest that you take a look at the following digital cameras. They may be all that you'll ever need. They are simple to use, yet offer controls very close to dslr.


Canon A520, Canon A610, Canon A620.

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<i>>>The Canon/Nikon aficionados don't like to contemplate it, but the in-body anti-shake feature in the Konica Minolta DSLRs is THE killer feature.</i><p>

Gee...I hate it when people turn discussions into a battle over which camera brand or model is better than the other by bashing other brands or brand owners. It really illustrates the difference between a gearhead and a photographer. Who the hell wants to be an aficionados of any camera manufacturer anyway?


Canon and Nikon (or Nikon and Canon) are just simply the largest makers/sellers of 35mm SLR format cameras. Therefore they have the largest support base and most 3rd party accessories/lenses, etc.. along with a long history and reputation and repair centers, etc...Are Canon/Nikon better than Minolta? Is Minolta better than Hasselblad? Is Hasselblad better than Fuji? Is Fuji better than Pentax? Depends on what you're shooting and how each individual will use the camera.<p>

I'm sure the anti-shake feature built into the body is fabulous. And I'm sure many people are very happy with the Minolta's and that they take wonderful photos. But, really.....You can take great photos with any camera. A "killer feature" doesn't make you a better photographer.

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I was in this same position as you for a while... i've bothered this guys over 5 months lol... sorry guys...


I got the panasonic FZ-30 but I returned it so I can buy the Nikon D50 from Best Buy. This store offers NO interest until 2008 :) They dont sale Konica 5D :(

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<P>I knew my comments would flush out a few aficionados. I'm not a gearhead and I'm not bashing any brands. I just think the anti-shake feature is a great help to <B>photographers</B> taking <B>pictures</B>, and is ideal for a beginner. If it was on a Canon camera body I'd be just as enthusiastic.</P>
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I come to Panasonic from Canon and Nikon in that order. I respect the lenses of the Canon and particularly the Nikon, I still have the cameras and use them occasionally ... but for all round versatility at a good price, along with modern design ... a suprising good bang for your buck ,,, the FZ30 delivers the goods in a way the DSLR simply cannot unless you have the truck load of cash.
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