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24HRS in NYC by John Elder


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I am so glad to see your photos one photo.net (finally). Very nice work, fresh and unique.


What is in #5? Great composition. Could be anywhere.



Now we all got some shots of those two crazy kids in the subway ;-)<div>0092lX-19029684.jpg.c9600589aa19ae18172aa7f324a74560.jpg</div>

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Hi <p>

#4 doesn't look too remarkable now, but it has the makings of a classic, and looks like it'll age quite well (strongly reminiscent of HC-B's <a href="http://www.afterimagegallery.com/bressonmarne.jpg" >Banks of the Marne</a>. <p>

I don't know what film/developer combo you're using but some of the images look a little flat---you could probably coax a little bit more tonal range out of them.

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To Mark: As to how I shot #!. Usually I shoot with a wrist strap with the camera at my side so as not to draw attention. Every time the light changes or I move into different lighting I change my exposure. Also I prefocus usualy at 8 ft.[sometime at the hyperfocal distance if I'm at f11] I was in a position to anticpate #1. I saw them coming and I had decided to take the picture. They were not moving fast. When the guy pointed I raised thre camera and snapped. I only think the girl on the right knew I took the photo. I was so close they thought I was shooting past them. This often happens when you shoot wide but TIGHT. You are so close people don't think they're the subject. I shoot at eye level[ this includes kneeling and all times I bring the camera to the eye} 95% of the time. Many times the camera is there just at the moment of exposure.
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To Andrew Lee: This was the first time I have EVER been involed in scanning images. They were scanned from full frame 6x9 prints on Kodak Polymax FA DW fiber paper. The prints scanned were work prints not exihbition prints. The film developer combo was:HP5+ developed in FG7. The negs were definitely full range negs. The scaning took place at a good friends house , Rick Ullrich, who REALLY knew what he was doing. I didn't want to take up to much of his time although he didn't mind, I didn't want to over impose. Rick is set up with 2 giant computers, huge monitors, and multiple scanners. He would quickly adjust contrast and I would say"when". Anyway, when I got home and looked on my computer they looked way too contrasty and dark.

I called up another friend and asked him to judge the "Print quality" of the image displayed on his computer and he said they were fine. Bottom line is that different computers show different contrast of scanned images on photonet. My conclusion anyway.

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I agree w/ Andrew, looks like a couple of these are a tad flat.


I like #14 for the spontaneity... What were those guys up to anyway?


Also like the guy taking a pic of his wife and kid- very basic and meaningful subject matter.

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"...what were those guys up to....?"


according to the short haired guys girlfriend, one of the guys had gone to school in some prestegious acting school.........so apparently he was "just acting", according to her...think her words were "this is what 4 years of acting school taught him". Also, by her words, they had all just, for the first time in years, gotten out of Manhattan, to go to Coney Island Amusement rides. So, these guys were appartently still wound up from all the rides. She kept on trying to get them to sit down..........kept saying "didnt you have enough on the rides?" So when they got done playing monkey on the subway handrails, the long haired guy notices this article in the paper, which was strewn all over the car's floor.......something about this guy (who was arrested for something that I forget now) who smoked pot with his pet animals........including a rooster.....yeah, a rooster smoked pot according to this guy.


So anyhow, the long haired guy is reading this article out loud to the whole car, and acting out some the stuff along the way..........and the six of us were just clicking away with cams the whole time............heh, the joys of riding the subway out into Brooklyn 1 AM in the morning.

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