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Loupes: Schneider vs. Rodenstock 6x6 loupes


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Has anyone had a chance to do a side-by-side comparison of the Schneider 6x6 loupe with the fairly new Rodenstock 6x6 aspheric loupe?

I see they are priced about the same (B&H $224-$230). Would be most interested to hear results of comparison. Thanks.

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  • 10 months later...

I've looked at a lot of loupes the past few years. What I've

noticed is that sometimes there are significant sample to sample

variations. My comments below should be taken with a grain of salt, and you should do your own side by side comparison if you can. I once went on the record panning the 4x Aspheric Rodenstock based on one sample, and then later saw several samples that were excellent.


In any event, I've owned both the Schneider 6x6 and the Rodenstock 6x6. The Rodenstock is considerably heavier, slightly lower magnification, and my sample doesn't suffer from the slight pin cushion distortion that I saw in my sample of the Schneider. Both are very sharp, and both have excellent contrast performance. The Schneider has a $25 rebate at the time of this writing, making it about $30 cheaper than the Rodenstock.

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Just as I suspected, I saw another sample of the Rodenstock today, and it had MORE pin cushion distortion than I remember in my sample of the Schneider. So these two are probably interchangable. One thing worth noting is that the Rodenstock has a larger skirt. This means that light from the light box will be visible, but it also means that the Rodenstock will give pretty good coverage for 6x7. The Schneider matches the 6x6 format exactly, so no light streams through around the edges of the image.


Really, the suggestion to just use the waist level finder for your body (if you've got a waist level finder) is a good one. It is certainly the cheapest solution if you've alrady got one.

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