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Hasselblad B50 To B57?


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What is the difference between these 2 bayonet mountings .... will

they both fit the HB 80mm C lens ?? I've checked the Wildi book and

other places and cannot find any info .....


Will the B57 mount fit my 80mm C lens without adapters?? (Proxar



Thanks .... Ken

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Ken and Bob


I checked and all my accessories marked Bay 57 seem to have identical

bayonets as my B-50. They ALL fit my 80mm, 150mm and 250mm H'blad

lenses perfectly. In fact, my Hasselblad-Zeiss Proxars are clearly

marked B57, and they fit my 80mm f2.8 CT* perfectly also.


Now I hate to disagree with the noted Bob Salomon, but I feel that

either he is wrong or half my lens accessories are marked wrong.


Jerry Lehrer

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That has been my experience exactly Jerry - Thanks. So I don't understand these 2 seperate designations which seem to fit the same lenses ...

It would be great if someone could shed some more light on this B50 and B57 compatibility issue.


So it appears if I purchased B57 Proxars - they would fit properly on my 80mm C lynns..... which uses B50 filters and hoods.



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BTW: those lenses have TWO bayonet mounts on their rims: one female and one male. They are a different story, some lens attachments have apparently male mounts to grip on the lens' female bayonet, while some other accessories would have a female mount to clip on the lens from the outside.


Wouldn't that be designated differently by HB?

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I've forwarded a request to HB USA asking for an explanation of the 2 different designations .... In the mean time, I suppose we have confirmed that - say - a filter with either designation will fit the 80 mm C linz - YES ??


Piotr has a good point, as he usually does, as to the inner and outer feature .... I'll let you know what HB New Jersey comes back with.



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Thanks for clarification, Q.G.


When I got my HB I just pillaged through a photo gadgetry outlet and luckily found an adapter ring that fits the HB bayonet on one side and lets me mount a Cokin P holder. By this, I adapted filters and accessories from my 35mm camera (the ring also has a female 62mm thread so I can use screw-in filters as well) and never really felt need to figure out HB bayonet designations.

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Just heard back for HB-USA .... they confirm that B50 and B57 are designations for the same mount and ARE interchangable ... They can offer no explaination as to why HB Sweden uses the 'B50' designation in print and the 'B57' designation on the product itself.


Ken ........... Thanks All !!

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