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Student Picture Work

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I have just been offered a job doing year-end 'graduation'

portrait work with a local dance studio. My problem is, I am not

really sure about pricing policy for people doing this kind of work,

which I am sure will be quite comparible to any school portrait work

out there, although the opportunity for artistic licence is more

flexible. There are 75 students at this studio I will be taking

pictures of. Typically, I am assuming that most of the money is made

off the photo packages (which the owner has already made clear that

she wants a $5/per package cut), but is there any charge for the

shoot itself or is it pro-bono?? Please any input would be

appreciated on pricing, package development or anything else



Thanks so much, Sean

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My guess is that it depends...


Senior pictures can be a huge business with custom shooting fees going into the hundreds (and I've seen thousands)of dollars...but they can also be just simple, on site one background deals where there is no fee and all profits are in printing.


Are pictures essentially a requirement? Some students may not want/or be able to afford a full picture session. So maybe offer one day where everybody can get a free face only snap and sell packages...and offer that students who wish may get a custom sitting (dancing?) shoot at another price (with a shooting fee - and maybe an included print package).


Just some things I would think about anyway...hope that made sense...

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Hummmmm.....75 graduation portraits, but with the opportunity for artistic license. Just what do you have in mind? Also: will you be working alone? What equipment will you be using?Do you have a lab lined up that can handle these packages? Will you have a make-up artist and hair stylist to assist you?Do you have any idea as to how many students will interested in more than a single shot, or would be interested in coming up with a sitting fee? Are you doing this gig as an established pro, or as an amateur? How many exposures do you intend taking of each graduate, and how do you propose to display your proofs?
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I was asked about doing this job only two days ago, on account that the last photographer had apparently dropped the ball and rubbed the owner of the dance studio the wrong way. I do have a local studio that does primarily student school developing, but have not got any prices yet on package development. I intend on doing this without a make-up artist or assistant and as far as what I meant about "artistic licence", is I plan on artistic flow in the pictures, not one stop-snap style. I will be shooting digital and intend on likely 10 shots/student. Black and White, with a little spot colour is another thing I was thinking about, to add uniqueness to the portraits.



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