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Anyone Heard of an Adapter to use Hasselblad Lenses on a Nikon 35 SLR?

steve williams

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A gentleman at a camera shop told me he can order from Japan an

adapter to use Hasselblad lenses on a Nikon 35mm SLR. He said the

picture quality is better. (Of course, you lose metering.)


Has anyone heard of this? He said they $260 each and he orders them

from Japan (he's from Hong Kong and he orders stuff from Asia all

the time). He said they are metal in construction and he uses them a

lot. (He also uses a Hasselblad.)


Any ideas on where to find them cheaper?


Thanks for any help.


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If the quality is better, then you can just shoot with the MF body and crop it down to a 35mm size negative and get that higher quality, too? But actually, I thought it was the other way around, that MF lenses would give lower quality, rather than higher, due to having to cover a much larger image circle.


I tried a google search on Hasselblad Nikon adaptor. It pulls up quite a few hits, you might check around there.

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There was a vogue for these many years ago, the theory being that if you had all these expensive Zeiss lenses you ought to keep them busy. Of course, there is the problem that you don't get any meter coupling or even an auto diaphragm, so far as I can see. Perhaps someone knows different?
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Yes , I have three of them! Nikon Canon and Contax body adapters to take Hasselblad lenses.I only use Nikon with FA body and works fine,even stopped down aperture priority. Quality? Well, I often use 135 s planar with Variable tube and found to be excellent but I dont have any comparable nikon lenses hense cant tell which is better. But I must say I am not complaining. You have been quated a very high price.They are not worth that much. I would pay about ?25 for one.No more.
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I used to have one of these, but never used it. The Hasselblad lenses were too large and cumbersome to use with the Nikon. The Nikon lenses were much better. These are novelty items. Sounds like a great idea, but not practical. As was stated before 35mm lenses have higher resolving power.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve -


I owned one years ago. It worked well although it's an extra hassle to do everything manually. I didn't see any improvement in image quality when I shot the same subjects at same exposure on the same roll of film. In most cases, you could get a nice used Nikkor of equivalent focal length for the price of the adapter.



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I have loads of adapters, they are fun.

However, for practicality, may be not that great, except when I travel. I mainly use hasselblads 50-80-150. However, I just throw in a D70 + 24F2.8 +adapter and I'll do OK if I find that I need some telephoto capability.

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