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Mamiya Sekor Z 250mm shutter closes without firing


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I was out tonight shooting with my RZ67 ProII and the Sekor Z 250mm

f/4.5 W. On two occassions my WLF became dark after I have handled

the camera while moving from one position to another. When I looked

into the lens from the front, the shutter was closed all the way.

Strange! I did not press the shutter release button both time. This

is a used lens I bought about two weeks ago. Tonight was the first

time I have some free time to test it in the field. I took three

long-exposure shots (4s, 8s, and 8s). I checked the time against my

watch and they seemed to be right. Does anyone have any insight into

what might be wrong with the lens?

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Hi Nghi Hoang,<br>

I am having exactly the same problem with my Sekor Z 250mm. I have to manually press one of the buttons (green I think) at the contact to open up the leaf again. This problem costs me some nice scenes on my recent trip to China :-(. The shutter just won't opened automatically. Blank slides were what I got. A word of caution, if you are going to shoot something important with the lens, do becareful. Do let me know if you have found out the cause of the problems.<p>


- steve -<br>

<a href="http://www.stevechong.com" target="_blank"><small>www.stevechong.com</small></a>

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