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Epstein - great color

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If you need some rest and recuperation from the Eggleston

thread lumbering ever onwards on the Philosophy forum, why

not have a look at www.mitchepstein.net - some of the best color

images you'll see anywhere. Click on "work" and move through

the galleries..........

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What a coincidence. I've just been looking through Family Business this evening. It's my second time through and it's even more emotional than the last time. I haven't seen much of his work before this but this one book is at the top of my list of current favorites. Get it, if you can afford it.
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Boris, I wonder if the reason for his relative obscurity is that he lived outside of the country for so long. Didn't he spend most of his life in India and elsewhere? This kind of transforms his work into the dreaded 'travel photography' genre IMO.


Thanks for bringing him up because he's a master regardless of his subject matter.

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No, I don't think that Boris, but Epstein went to live in cultures that are 180 degrees from the European-based culture that we both belong to. A culture that I can't relate to as there's little in common in either the habits or appearance of the people, their clothing and architecture. In that situation how can it not resemble 'travel photography', at least superficially? It makes it more difficult to delve deeper into the lives of the people when they and their surroundings look so exotic. I'm not saying that Epstein is as cliched as most travel photographers but if I were to be looking for serious art photography I would pass by a book on India or Vietnam because I know that it will inevitably contain photos of old women squatting in rice paddies. It's too predictable.
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".......cultures that are 180 degrees from the European-based

culture.......A culture that I can't relate to as there's little in



Sam, I think you're revealing more about yourself than you are

about the issues relating to photographing other cultures. I've no

idea where you live, or where you grew up, but just about every

major city I've spent any time in is multicultural - you don't have to

travel to Asia to find the "exotic". Does this cut in both directions

for you? When, say, Chien-Chi Chang (originally from Taiwan)

photographs in NY or Seattle does his work also become merely

"travel photography"?


"........if I were looking for serious art photography I would pass by

a book on India or Vietnam because.......it will......contain photos

of old women squatting in rice paddies. It's too predictable."


You're going to miss out on a lot of interesting work if you choose

your books on subject matter rather than quality. Steve McCurry

seems to have a lot to answer for if his laboured cliches are

putting people off all work produced in Asia.


I'll second A's verdict on "The City" as a really strong, and

contemporary, take on street photography.

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Boris there's more to a country and culture than it's major cities. Major cities have always been multicultural, everybody knows that. Throughout history they have been the major hubs of global interchange. Maybe you've never lived in anything other than major cities where the influence of the outside is minimal.


I think you're misinterpreting what I'm saying. You mentioned that he's been overlooked, which to me means that he's been overlooked in the west. I'm saying that perhaps it's that his books (which is how we see his work) have been centered on cultures that we commonly associate with travel photography....in the west that is. They get pigeonholed to a certain extent. It's just a thought. Dont' read too much into it.

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<i>Steve McCurry seems to have a lot to answer for if his laboured cliches are putting people off all work produced in Asia.</i>


I think that is a little unfair on Steve McCurry. Sam's blinkeredness is down to Sam, no one else.

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Meaning what Dancing Barefoot? What's wrong with my comments on this matter? Boris posed a question and I gave him my answer. Why not contribute to it instead of just making insults. Put your dislike of me to the side for one moment and give your best reason why Mitch Epstein has been overlooked. Do you think that he has been overlooked? If so then why?
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