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Cat knocked camera from table

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hello, my dumb a** cat knocked my camera from a table.<br>

The camera seems to be fine and the rangefinder is ok. <br>

The focus ring on the lens (a 35mm Summicron ASPH) got hard to turn<br>

between 2m and infinity. <br>

Is this something that can be fixed? Where do I send it to?<br>

I should send the camera in for a CLA anyway...<p>


thx in advance!

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I would send the lens to Leica and the body to DAG. The body

probably is repairable without much fuss, the lens I would want

to be confident that alignment was perfect. If you have other

lenses, you will be back in business with the repaired body,

while the lens takes a two month trip to Germany.

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I'm really sorry to hear about this. Don't panic.


If you have the Leica passport there is no problem. If not, then send it to DAG (for example). It is going to need looking over.


A think a little more empathy might not go amiss on this forum, sometimes. This could happen to any of us, couldn't it, one way or another?

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sure I can't blame the cat, it is my fault only - and it sure taught me a lesson<br>

Hopefully it's not going to be too expensive...<br>

Usually I'm paranoid about stuff like this, I never let camera straps hang from a table<br>

for expample. My cameras usually go right in the bag when not in use. Obviously it<br>

didn't happen last night... oh, well

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Too late to help, but if you keep your camera bag on the floor, and then get into the habit of putting the camera into the bag when you are cleaning a filter or other lens) -- it cannot fall <it is on the floor already> -- good luck on getting all the repairs done in short order.
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Depending where you live(in the US) sent it to Sherry(East) DAG9 in central or west) or Focal Point(South). You might contact them by E-mail as to a time frame for return. There is always Leica U.S.A. or the Leica Distributor that covers tthe Country where you reside.

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Just bad luck, Markus. I'm certain you'll be able to get it fixed, and hopefully not terribly $$$.


When you do send it in, perhaps give some thought to upgrading the viewfinder to the flare-resistant MP style. I read here that Don Goldberg (DAG) is doing that upgrade for a reasonable fee. (Then you'll get back a camera better than the one you bought!)


Incidentally, for future reference only, I do recall seeing comments here to the effect that the soft release can render the shutter button vulnerable in a way that it wouldn't otherwise be. My recollection is fuzzy, but at least Jay and perhaps others also asserted this.

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OK, Im on board with Jamie Js suggestion with the one proviso that you get the camera repaired first so that you can take pictures of the ceremony. B&W or color film, your call. Looking forward to your next NW thread. Happy snaps.
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Markus: I had my M6's upgraded to the new finder by DAG for about $185.00 per unit, plus shipping. I wear glasses and it worth it IMHO. He also checked the shutter speeds. Turn around time was about 10 days. Very prompt, professional and courteous service. Highly recommended. Do you have other lenses so you could afford the down time of sending the lens to Leica? The lens is the heart and soul of Leica pictures. The body is held by your hands and contains the film, but has nothing to do with BOKEH ;). I have had similar happen over the years, and eventually arrive at where you already are. My fault, time to fix it. Good luck.




Mark J.

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Bad piece of luck but an invaluable learning experience...


I agree with Phil...send the lens back to Leica and the body to either DAG or Sherry.


I also agree with Michael and Mark... replace the viewfinder in the process!


Do it all in one shot and you'll have a camera that's "better than new!"


Good luck



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thank you guys for all the great responses!<br>

I have emailed Sherry & DAG and will see what they<br>

have to say...<p>Do I send the lens to Leica in Germany or to <br>

Jersey? (the lens is made in Germany, so am I - but <br>

I live in NYC)<p>

Fortunately I have quite a few cameras at my disposal ?<br>

I just busted a roll of Tri-X with a Canon AE-1, also have a <br>

few more lenses for the Leica... so it wouldn't hurt too much<br>

to wait for the lens...

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