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Different Browsers


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I've read a little about recompressing images and I thought that was a

problem that I was having in this image

http://www.photo.net/photo/3023874 The diagonal

braces have ALOT of jaggies on them and in

http://www.photo.net/photo/3018230 the diagonal grass

blades look jaggie. I've tried several uploads at different

compression levels but I kept getting jaggies! Them I looked at this

same pictures using my secondary browser Mozilla and BAM it looks like

the original! Is there a problem with the way that "Internet Explorer"

displays photos to everyone or is there a problem in the way that I'm

processing my images? It seems like most of the photos look better in

"Mozilla"... I'm not bashing IE just wondering whats up?

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Thanks for the feedback, I don't have AOL but based off the answers I've gotten back it MUST be something on my end. Kind of strange, but the pictures in IE do look jaggie, I do this all on my Dell 9100 laptop which has a 16x9 format so it's probaly an issue with the browser streching the image somehow? Anyways thanks again!
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There's a setting somewhere in the registry (search google) for IE to stretch web page images (clever idea, huh?) if your computer is using a "high resolution" monitor. I think it's a key called UseHR somewhere but if you search google I'm sure you'll find out what it is. Change it from 1 to 0 and then IE should work fine (except its security problems, lack of css support, and general 'badness' as a web browser ;) )


Seriously, try Firefox as a primary browser. But I know what you mean about it being annoying to think that 90% of web users are seeing your photo wrongly - except they're probably not, unless they have a "high res" monitor and their computer's been set up with that registry key enabled (don't know why it would be; I don't think it is by default, but maybe a hardware manufacturer thought they were being helpful).

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