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Bessa R rangefinder adjustment

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I know this subject has been covered in some detail in previous posts

- however, I'm looking for some clarification from people who have

actually attempted to adjust their Bessa's rangefinder. First, some

crap you can skip to get to the question or read and comment on:


I have an almost brand new Bessa R with a VC 35mm "Classic" lens ($425

package from Stephen Gandy). I've only shot three rolls with it so

far, because I've had such poor results. Basically, almost every shot

is out of focus. I'd already done a lot of reading on this sort of

thing, so I checked the infinity focus using the moon, and the images

don't line up when the lens is focused at infinity. The vertical

alignment is also slightly off, which annoys me greatly. I just shot

and developed a test roll this evening where I focused on specific

targets, and not one shot came out okay.


Now, this camera is still under 'warranty' for another eight months,

but I really don't see any point in sending it back to have this fixed

because: a) I live in Canada, so a round trip for the camera would

probably be about $40, plus dealing with customs when they try to

charge me $80 tax on the way back. b) As far as I know, the cameras

are checked before they're shipped out, so it's more than likely the

rangefinder was knocked out of alignment on its way to me anyway, and

it will probably just happen again.


I guess I'm really trying to justify voiding the warranty and opening

my camera to myself! I did actually consider selling the Bessa to put

towards the purchase of an M2 I can just about afford right now, but I

would really feel bad dumping the problem on someone else, so...


The question: Are the screws holding the hotshoe cover and such onto

the camera standard Phillips, or some weird SJIS type? I've been

meaning to order a set of SJIS screws for a Canon lens I tried (tried

being the operative word) to take apart with some old Phillips

screwdrivers. I'd really rather not destroy the Bessa's screws.

Also, how successful has this home adjustment been for you?


P.S. Anyone want a poor student's like new Bessa R with misaligned

rangefinder? $200 :)<div>008vPG-18872584.jpg.8fa4350b76ced2af84c10049515054f1.jpg</div>

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Hi Chris


I have an R2, not R but my guess is they are pretty much identical. Mine had vertical RF misallignment and I did adjusted it myself.


The hot shoe is retained by 3 standard + screws. The vertical adjustment screw is the - type. I didn't adjust anything else so that's all I can tell you. I used photos of R2 with top deck removed taken by Huw Finney as a reference. Huw is member of Photo.net which you may already know.

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Fame at last! it's at huws.org.uk and follow the link. Please use huws.org.uk 'cos I am moving the site to demon.


BT are going to charge for bandwitdth used soon (?2/Gb after 15Gb/month) and a freind of mine has some free webspace I will be using.

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Fixing the vertical alignment is not going to fix your focus problem. Your horizontals will

just line up perfectly while you continue to get out of focus pics.


Have you contacted Gandy and asked him to sort it out for you? That would be your first

step I think...


The vertical adjustment should be fairly easy, but that doesn't sound liky your real

problem here..



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where are you in canada?

camtex in vancouver is the official canadian service centre for vc products.

might be faster and a bit cheaper than postage & customs.


although i don't think you pay customs on repaired items if they belonged to you in the first place.



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I know I shouldn't pay any taxes on an item that's been sent for repairs, but Canada Customs loves to open and tax every package I receive, no matter what. I've managed to get rebates from them on more than one occasion, but it takes them a long time to process it. Thanks for the suggestion, I e-mailed Camtex to see how much they'd charge for rangefinder re-alignment. I think I'll probably end up selling the camera if I can get everything in order, so I can get some cash to put towards an M2.
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