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The Rating solution; a third option! The T, from taste...

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Next to O and A a T could be an option. T = Taste. An L is possible

too, from like it or not. Many people can't hide their drive to

express their feelings. Sometimes people just don't like a

photograph, even if it's high quality and very aestethic. Also the

otherway around excists; very common and aestethic-wise it's crap,

but I like it! Pushing the key is less than an effort like writing a

commenting story. A fluctuating T rating from 1 up to 7 is

understandable, an O rating like that is pretty weird... Thanks,


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I like the idea of expanding the scale and have thought it out for quite some time and like to suggest modifying Floris's excellent idea a bit more.


A...Average (its relation to being average)

B...Boldness (contrast use, also applicable to nudes)

C...Colour (need sub catagory for b&w)

D...Density (generousity of pixel size posted)

E...Empathy (how sorry u feel for them)

F...Flavour (related to colour)

G...Greatness (ego rating)

F...Friends (do u like this person?)

H...Humour (subject relative)

I...Imagination (dunno)

J...Justification (was the image needed?)

K...Keen (intellectually acutness)

L...Lighting (can u see the thing)

M...Model (more $ cam rates higher)

N...No-Brainer (rate lower if thinking required)

O...Obscurity (replaces originality)

P...Premonition (natural or contrived?)

Q...Quietness (is pic noisy?)

R...Resonance (is it harmonicaly tuned to what is currently playing?)

S...Substance (was it even worth it?)

T...Totality (is as much as u want to see in the frame?)

U...Unisexual (does it appease m/f equally?)

V...Views (how many times u seen the same thing)

X...Xenophobicness (cultural correctness)

Y...Yardage (replaces current term DOF and its use of)

Z...Zonk (eye candy appeal)


The big modification would be to replace the numeric input with a screen wide slider bar coloured ultra blue to infared. Each hue the rater chose would be numericaly represented behind the scenes of course, but on a greatly expanded scale...millions.


A snapshot of each rating screen could be taken and the hue chosen on each catagory could be displayed as a pixel on a blank (black) rating result image. Duplicate areas would increase in luminosity to form galaxys of popularity. Over many rates a public opinion picture of the picture would emerge, saving anybody the embarresment of having a low rated number sitting there. You could just adjust your monitor more to the red end if your worked sucked....thanks, Paul.

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I uploaded this last year as suggestion.


Hans Koot Photo.net Patron, jan 12, 2004; 04:17 p.m.

I was also thinking of another photo rating system. Not the only one I suppose


<More fields, i.e. Composition, light, color use Aesthetics multiplied with number of ratings, composition, light, color use (maybe more?) and then divided by ?


The lowest and highest ratings should be excluded (above 10 ratings or so)


This will give a number witch is you rating, and it?s composed from more elements of interest.


In this way you will learn more by reading your ratings, because people don?t always tell you, and if you have a 1 rater it will not bother too much. Also the people are challenged to look at the photo's in a different way and rate.

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Yes A and O for ratings are silly because most of the time people tie the two together.


I think in skating they call the two scores "Technical Merit" and "Artisitic impression", and those are good yardsticks.


I use aesthetics for "Does this Picture make me stop and look" - if you use it in the sense of "is it nice to look at" then taste / liking comes into it. But there are a number of people who use it for "Is this subject matter that I like to look at".


I use "Originality" for "Quality of thinking" that went into the picture - as very few things have never been done before. However this score seems to be used for rating the picture A+ / A / or A- by most people... there is a link, between the two because someone who produces a picture with(out) impact has(not) put good thought into it.



There's too much inertia to change the core parts of the rating system. I think if they were starting again there would be something different.

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