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Macro Lens v Process lens


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Is this question for 4x5? If so, the 80 mm Makro-Symmar HM barely covers 4x5 at 1:1 (according to Schneider's figures). I guess that Schneider mainly intends this lens for medium format. Of course, past 1:1 the coverage improves. I don't see much point in switching unless you want to go beyond the maximum magnification possible with 150 G-Claron at the maximum extension of your camera, or if your camera isn't rigid enought near maximum extension. The shorter focal length lens will deliver a given magnification with less extension. The working distance between the lens and the subject will also be smaller, which can cause difficulties with lighting the subject. If you want to go to magnifications well over 1, then it might be worth switching.


The Makro-Symmar HM is faster, which can help in focusing and composing, but you will probably want to stop down to examine the depth of field, at which point the maximum aperture doesn't matter. Usually one ends up stopping down at least several stops to take the photo because of the scant dof at macro distances. I expect that the sharpnesses differences between the lenses at working apertures such as f16 will be small to non-existent.


If you want to go well beyond 1:1, you might want to try a non-symmetrical lens. Both the G-Claron and Makro-Symmar HM are symmetrical. An inexpensive way to do this is to reverse mount an enlarging lens. With a non-symmetrical lens, best results are obtained if the lens is correctly oriented.

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Robin, Michael explained the issues with the 80mm lens quite well. I have used the 150 and 305mm G-Clarons for macro work with great success. I prefer the 305 for the extra working distance and use the 150 if I need more extension than I can accomplish with the 305. The Fuji 240-A also fills this role frequently.
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