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Sweetspot for Nikon 70-300G


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I bought a Tamron 75-300mm LD zoom for my D70. It showed extensive

purple fringing. I returned it and bought Nikon 70-300mm G. This has

much less fringing. What is the sweetspot for this lens, focal

length as well as aperture. Would be happy if you can go through my

gallery and have a look at my first ever attempt with this lens on

flying birds today. Thanks in advance.

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In my experience, f/8 at the wide end, f/16 at the long end (f/11 at 180mm). I found it sharpest at the wide end, going down from there. I never paid attention to distortion.


The background blur is very pleasant wide open around the wide end, making it suitable for portraits (as long as you can put enough distance between the subject and the background, as f/4 has quite some depth-of-field).

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