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How are these ratings calculated


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They are just the averages of the ratings that the photos have received. However, in some of the displays, there may be a discrepancy between the current averages and what is displayed, because the averages are not recomputed every time there is a new rating (or when a rating is deleted. It eventually catches up, however.
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Oh, yes. Sorry I didn't make that clear. That particular display shows the photos currently in the Rate Recent Photos queue in the same order as they will be presented (until the next time the queue is reordered). They are ordered first by descending "count group", and within a count group by the average rating (sum of aesthetics and originality), and then by the subscriber status of the photographer (subscribers first). You can get an idea of how count group works by looking at the number of ratings on each photo of that display. It is a mechanism that causes a photo initially to move toward the front of the list as it gets more ratings, then to drop further and further down the list as it starts to get more and more ratings above 5 ratings.
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