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Mamaiya C3 tlr...


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Hi. I recently spend a lot of time searching for a telephoto lens for my Hasselblad. I

was looking for a 120 or a 150. I stopped by the shop where I buy film, saw and

handled a C3 with a 135mm (black) lens, and bought it. I paid less than $160 for it,

on a trial basis, no less. I decided to keep it. I have no idea what kind of reputation

these cameras have, and frankly, I do not care. The 135 on the C3 is one of the

sharpest lenses I have ever owned. Yes, I have to lug two cameras around as opposed

to one camera and two lenses. If I had to do it all over again, I'd do the same thing.

The $800 or more I saved by not purchasing the lens I was initially after will happily

find itself applied to some other toy.


Just thought I'd share.



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No waste there, I run both Hasselblad and Mamiya TLR outfits and they've each got their strengths. The 135mm Mamiya lens has a reputation for variability, but if you've got a strong one then all's well and good. If you want to extend your Mamiya outfit in the wide direction you may find you get better results from the newer 55mm rather than the older 65mm.


One thing you may care to experiment with is handholding the Mamiya versus the Hassie, I find mirror slap takes the edge off Hassie performance at slower speeds where as the Mamiya, especially with a handgrip and a chimney finder, can still deliver at speeds one or even two stops slower.

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<h3>C3 thumbs</h3><BR><BR><BR><A HREF=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/images/tripods-229.jpg target = "_blank">

<IMG SRC=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/thumbs/tripods-229-thumb.jpg BORDER=0></A><BR><BR><A HREF=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/images/tripods-230.jpg target = "_blank">

<IMG SRC=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/thumbs/tripods-230-thumb.jpg BORDER=0></A><BR><BR><A HREF=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/images/tripods-231.jpg target = "_blank">

<IMG SRC=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/thumbs/tripods-231-thumb.jpg BORDER=0></A>

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I also used the Mamiya TLR's for years. I had the 250mm f:5.6 and loved it. I used to take the camera with an 80 and the 250 backpacking and needless to say, it was a lot lighter than my current 2 645 bodies and 3 lenses! Of course, I don't take all if it packing, now I just use a mule! LOL you got a great deal. If you buy more lenses for it, make sure to stay with the black lenses. The chrome lenses didn't have the multi-coating the black lenses have and are also more prone to fungus between the elements! Also a plus, the leaf shutters sync at all speeds with a flash. The grip IS great and makes using a flash practical too! I bought a hot shoe attachement so I could sync any flash on top of the side grip. consider that if you decide to do much in the way of flash shooting! Congrats and good luck!
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