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Frozen shutter???


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Just processed a roll from a trip to Chicago a couple of weeks ago

and found the second half (the part taken in Chicago) unexposed. I

was shooting outside in 5F (-15C)weather. Only thing I can think of

is that the shutter did not open. Is this possible? Has anyone else

experienced this?

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It can happen - lubricant's thicken with cold and don't lubricate - they stick. Also any condensation or water vapour inside the body will freeze and jam up teh works in the same way. Maybe time for a CLA if you are going to do much in this kind of temperature. Modern synthetic lubricants are less temperature sensitive - unfortunatley I have no idea if repair techs use them.
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The curtains are released at a specific interval to generate a moving slit to expose the film. The first curtain, and the tapes that pull the second curtain are rolled independently onto spring wound shafts - a sophisticated version of the rollup blind in the bathroom. An impediment to the first will allow the second to catch up and close/narrow the intended gap; the problem being more pronounced at higher speeds and the troublemakers can include spring load, lube, and curtain rigidity. In any event, the parts can go through the motions but don't yield an image. 1/30 yields two distinct clicks and it may be pay to try to discern that speed in the cold.
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