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Problem with custom white balance when shooting raw with the G3


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I use the custom white balance quite a bit with my G3 (shot of a

gray card in strange ligthing) and it works really well, but for

some reason shooting to raw format really screws up the conversion

to tiff or jpeg. I can't seem to extract . I only have the Canon-

supplied software for the conversion (ZoomBrowser). Is this a know

bug; is it just me; can something be done about it? In the setting

for white balance in ZoomBrowser the custom setting is not even an

option, and using the "shot settings" gives me a sickening green

cast to the image (see attached file), whereas the thumbnail version

in the raw file looks ok.<div>007Csl-16334784.JPG.6fedb36235139b34e985923eedb0c62c.JPG</div>

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I believe that there was a bug with custom white balance and zoom browser. When I 1st got my G3 early last year I grabbed a patch off the canon.com site and it fixed a problem I had with custom white balance/RAW conversion. I can't remember what the patch was called but I'm sure you could get it from their website. Hope this helps.
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