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24mm x 65mm with the Polaroid 4000

j. rivera

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I own a Polaroid 4000. But from what I know, I use SilverFast and have tried Vuescan, there doesn't seem to be an option for scanning the wide format 35mm frames from an Xpan. But on the film strip holder, between frame 1 and 2, the divider bar does not continue from one end to another. There is a 15mm gap. Why that is, I do not know. But I guess the best way is to scan it twice, one 35mm segement at a time, and then stitch them together using Photoshop. The consistency of output is pretty good, so you probably do not need a lot of work in matching the two segments. All the best.



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even with the newer, more expensive scanners, i think only the new minolta multi-pro lists a 24 x 65 adapter as an option. but of course that's a $3000 scanner.


you might want to look into the new epson 2450 flatbed scanner. it has a transparency adpater for up to 4"x9". it offers a dmax of 3.3 and a resolution of 2400x4800. it's only $399. i haven't seen any review for it yet since it's so new.

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Maybe not exactly on point, but evidently Polaroid is going to have a 35mmx65mm holder available for the Sprintscan 120 in early 2002. If they are going to (still) do it for the 120, it would seem logical they'd make something similar available for the 4000. But I've been wrong about such things before. We'll see I guess.
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To Jeff:


You might take a look at the HP PhotoSmart S20 USB scanner. It's rated at 2400dpi and will permit scanning beyond the 24x36 format. Check the specs before you put down the $500 that it will cost you.


While you are at it, take a look at VueScan (www.hamrick.com). The best $35.00 I spent. I am currently using it with my Nikon CoolScan 1000 and Minolta Dimage Scan Multi (the first model). The Minolta scans XPan negatives beautifully either with VueScan or with the Minolta software which comes with the Scan Multi II. This is available separately from Minolta parts for about $110. Forget about their 'special negative carrier!' What a waste of $400!!! It is truly a piece of crap. What that carrier costs me I could almost buy the HP S20!


Rick updates VueScan VERY VERY frequently and he also provides profiles for just about all the currently available film emulsions and these are VERY accurate! He updates his software so frequently that I don't think Rick has a life other than VueScan!! and he offers a lifetime free download of all future versions. Microsoft are you listening?


Well, I've contributed my $0.02!


Tsun Tam

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