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Elinchrom EL 500 vs Style 600


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The EL 500 is a real pain to change the tube. Maybe they recommend that you take it to the shop or agent and change it. Anyhow I've done it myself and it's a nightmare. Not the least of which is that you can ZAP yourself silly if you slip and discharge a cappacitor. It's easy to do. If I remember right the tube is held in place and to release it you have to unscrew about 8 different screws and open the housing - then you have to use a very tiny allen wrench to to undo two bolds that hold the contacts in place. All just to change a friggin' tube!


The 600 on the other hand (at least the newer Style series it's a piece of cake. No screws etc. Obviously don't touch the tube or anything but it's easy. And some (all?) of the Style 600's have cooling fans. Good for long shoots.


Go with the Style series.

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I think that <a href="http://www.theflashcentre.com">The Flash Centre</a> are Elinchrom's official U.K. distributor. They offer a


'try before you buy' service on ELinchrom products, but I don't know the terms and conditions. Give them a ring if that's of




Otherwise, the people that I got my lighting from are <a href="http://www.robertwhite.co.uk">Robert White</a>, who are a good deal


cheaper than The Flash Centre.


Hope this helps!

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