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Hans has obviously never seen a real heroin addict, and should refrain from commenting on subjects about which he clearly knows nothing.


Igor, the composition feels a bit awkward to me, like there's too much space behind your model, and her expression is a little vacant. Is that intentional? Very pretty girl.

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I'd say the hands look really awkward, the makeup needs some work, and the dark dress and dark background do nothing for me. As for the vacant look, the photographer should interact with the modle to the degree that she can show some kind of expression, unless, of course, he got precisely what he wanted. For my money this is a modestly successful image. As he gets more experience shooting her I'd guess the images will show considerable improvement.
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Try not having her blusher come so low on her face. Blusher should be on the apple of the cheeks and not lower than the bottom of the nose. That will make a huge difference in her look. You can put a darker shade under the apple of the cheek to give a hollow look on her cheeks too if you like but don't bring the color all the way down to the mouth.


Eyeshadow, the dark colors are really the rage right now. She might want to blend just a little more to soften it a bit.


Lipstick color choice, perfect for the look IMO.


Very pretty girl. Just remind her to allow her makeup to enhance her not define her.

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Photo3 looks better than the first one but truthfully I would have to agree somewhat with Hans on at least the expression and pose of the model. I would like to see other pics from the shoot, I can't believe that those are the ones that do best justice to the model. Seriously, most women think their rear looks big without justification but you have given justification with the first pic. The lighting and background are well combined with the dress but I think a better pose to give the same feeling could have been accomplished.
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I like the "no makeup" shot the best of the three. I think it's a little more intimate and honest, and allows her natural beauty and innocence to show through. I photograph my daughters' friends, who are about this girls age, and I like to emphasise this very pivotal point in their development without downplaying their childishness. They will be women soon enough, and from then on, but at this point there is still a kind of carefree innocence that rarely survives adulthood.<div>007H4G-16458784.jpg.c16c297d25d19d4d4a2616491caf0465.jpg</div>
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I agree that the makeup is not good. It's not good enough to be acceptible and not bad enough to be good, either, if you know what I mean. <p>I like the dark dress against the slightly lighter background. <p>I don't understand how the picture of Morgan relates to this thread...except that it's a photo of a young girl, which makes it an obtuse reference... t
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Tom, sometimes text accompanies the photographs posted, and if one reads the text, all manner of information can potentially come to light. Since this post is addressed to you, maybe you'll read this one, so I'll try to clear up your confusion. Igor posted three pictures of a young girl, one of which featured the girl without makeup, wardrobe or posing. I commented that I liked that picture the best of the three, gave my reasoning, and included an example of my own for reference. If that is too obtuse for you to follow, maybe you should stick to the W/NW threads.
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Thanks all for your effort to comment my stuff.

The model was the first time in front of the camera. Today she has the second session with the other photographer (lot older and better then I) to built up her book, actually I even went to the session for a moment. See you with the next girl from my studio (I am booked for 26 years old model...).

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