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Need Advice: CD Liner notes

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Hello all,<p>


First off, allow me to introduce myself. I am a high school student

and an amateur photographer. I have acess to a Minolta film SLR w/ a

28-70mm lens and a Canon A-1 outfit w/ flash, 21-35mm, 70-150mm, 50mm

f/1.8, and a 2x T-con. I also have experience with Photoshop.<p>


A friend of mine has an uncle who is a musician, and he is looking for

someone to photograph him and put together some liner notes for his

CD. I have already photographed my friend and done his website for

him, so he referred his Uncle to me. However, I get the idea that his

Uncle does not want to spend a fortune, and I am not entirely sure

what to charge him. I already told him he would have to cover driving

expenses as well as film and processing, which I estimated for him,

but I have no idea how much it might cost to have these liner notes

printed. Would a place like Kinkos do a job like this? <p>


Unfortunately, I lent my digital to my sister, so this will all be

done on film. I can process the black and white myself, but the color

will have to go through Kodak or through a more expensive local pro

lab. How many rolls do you suggest I shoot? Do you have any advice

for how to approach the photography aspect, since his uncle won't be

able to see his pictures instantly, as he would with digital? I think

he wants the shots done outside... so I will probably go for an

overcast day. Do you have any other advice for me? Am I getting in

over my head? How much should I charge on top of the cost of gas,

printing, and processing?<p>Like I said, this is my first time with a

job like this, so I don't really know what to expect. Any advice is

greatly appreciated.<p>Thanks, Francis.

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Do not get the liner notes printed at Kinkos! If he's serious about releasing a CD he needs to invest some money into the duplication and printing. I have recorded and released two CD's so I know a little about this. For the printing and duplication you need to plan on $1000 as the absolute minimum. Both of my CD's ended up costing much more because we decided to have more pages in the liner notes.<br><br>

I also say to get your digital camera back. You'll save a lot of time and money if you can view the pics right away. Plus you won't have to scan the film.<br><br>

Pricing this whole deal is complicated because you're talking about so many different things. I would suggest charging a small hourly fee and also making sure to get credit in the liner notes for your photography. If you do the graphic design for the liner notes that would be a separate charge. Since you're young and you haven't done this before you really can't charge too much. It's better that you get the experience and something to add to your portfolio.<br><br>

Doing a CD is a LOT of work. Good luck!<br><br>

<a href="http://www.pearsonimaging.com" target="_blank">Carl Pearson</a>

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