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OT: Barnack prize 2004 posted

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This was mentioned on the LUG a few hours ago - Leica have just posted the 2004

Barnack prize winner on their www site at:<p>


<a href="http://www.leica-camera.com/kultur/events/wettbewerbe/obp/index_e.html">



Stand-Up-Straight Grannie-Cam Posing. Our doctrinaire BFA buddies <em>will</em> be

pleased :?)

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They're certainly not bad pix but they're not earth-shattering by any means either. If anything I agree with Nemeth on this one (!) in that they're trendy, fairly standard-issue, art school/PDN cookie-cutter stuff. Todd Gross (www.quarlo.com) has mined the same territory and produced far more interesting results, in my opinion.
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"Granser's pictures do not just show city dwellers looking for amusement in their artificial environment. This close look at the amiable-morbid change of Coney Island is, from his point of view, also a portrait of the American way of life."


Maybe I'm a bit dense--hell, I know I'm dense--but isn't this a narrow viewpoint. It's a portrait, poorly executed, of people doing their thing at Coney Island. Mostly standing in front of walls, posing. To give it some deeper meaning or significance or symbolism is posturing and affectation. I think the guy scammed the judges and they bought it.

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Ow...ow....ouch ! My eyes !


It is painful to see those pictures in the Leica website ! OK, I am not a good shooter, but those pictures ? Pthooi !


Go on Al, show them what REAL shooting is all about !<div>008qwJ-18785084.jpg.a6a168ed1c77a2adc9d407ccb45abd8c.jpg</div>

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I feel that it's more the concept of the series, than the actual photos in themselves. Many

art pieces are not impressive in any form by themselves, but when placed or used in the

artist's context, it becomes special in expressing some sort of idea.


In this case, it seems that the value of the photos isn't so much about the people in the

photos, but how he shot them: how he chose the slightly washed out hues, and the

banality, to show the state of Coney Island now.


Personally, I find the theme of decay and morbidity a little trite, but the more I look at the

photos, the more intrigued I get by them. Also, don't forget that prints can look much

more impressive than digital images.

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I just can't believe it. Next year, I will enter the contest and I shall easily win. I will dress a few people in outlandish clothes and have them strike silly poses in a dilapidated section of town. I will send in my super saturated color photos along with an essay explaining that my photos reflect the "Real America and Americans."
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