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Top Photos page by "more than 2 years"


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having read a number of threads as to level of criticism declining

markedly in PN and an ever-growing ratings inflation readily

observable over just the past month, I have a modest suggestion.


a review of the Top 300 Photos by score average over the last 5+

years shows that just 22 photos or 7.3% were uploaded prior to 2003,

and only 2 out of the top 125 or 1.6%. (about 75% of those 22 were

in 2002 alone, and about half are by one photographer). certainly

the quality of digital photography presentation has not improved all

that dramatically!


and even though a lot of film photographers have recently switched

to digital and/or scanned work to upload to the web, there still has

to be an abundance of rich photography going back prior to 2003 that

is just no longer visible. and that is a shame.


therefore, I propose that PN add a TP search choice by "more than 2

years" to give users and subscribers access to view these photos.

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Some of the older members used to rate more than they do now. Check

out their favorites pages and start by hitting 'previous'. Many of the

best older images are posted by inactive members so you can look, but

don't expect a response to a comment. .

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Of course, I agree with this suggestion: great idea.


I also feel that if ratings are meant to last all over the site, perhaps there should be a way to rate systematically all the TRP in a certain search. That would encourage people to express their opinions, as it would save their time.


Finally, it would be great to:


a) Have the top 500 (or more) in certain searches instead of the top 300 - if it doesn't take too much resources.


b) Have all the comments left by the photographer *not* counted in for the searches by number of comments.


c) Have all the POWs out of the search by number of comments. Right now, there's something a bit strang re POWs. The POWs prior to a certain date are all listed in the most commented because the comments they got during their POW week are counted in; whereas the comments received by more recent POWs are *not* counted in. This is due to the fact that the POW discussion was at a certain point separated from the picture's thread. It would basically be nice to have less POWs and more picture pages in the Comments TRP. POWs already have their own search anyway.


d) Not to have too many repeats. Going though the TRP, one will easily notice that many pictures are at the same time "most rated", "most commented", and "highest rated". If "most commented" means 50 "Wow!" on a an average picture, I'd rather only find it in a single search, and not in the comments search.


e) Have a "Most controversial ratings" search for pictures that received a wide discrepancy of ratings. That could also be a way to fight low ratings abuse indirectly. If a picture has many 7s and a couple of 1/1s or 2/2s, making this picture more visible will allow people to dexpress ther opinion, as to whether it's a great or a bad shot.

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<I>therefore, I propose that PN add a TP search choice by "more than 2 years" to give users and subscribers access to view these photos.</I>


Or, alternatively, display more than just the 300 top photos.


Searches over a time period from One Week to All displays only 300 photos; why can't thousands be displayed, as is done for a one- or three-day search?


(I'm referring to originality-, esthetics-, or ratings-based searches)


How does one systematically get at all the older photos?

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<I>therefore, I propose that PN add a TP search choice by "more than 2 years" to give users and subscribers access to view these photos.</I><P>


Or, alternatively, display more than just the 300 top photos.<P>


Searches over a time period from One Week to All displays only 300 photos; why can't thousands be displayed, as is done for a one- or three-day search?<P>


(I'm referring to originality-, esthetics-, or ratings-based searches)<P>


How does one systematically get at all the older photos?<P>

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  • 2 weeks later...

the problem with displaying several thousand photos in each archive is having to click-click-click to see them. sure, you can start from either the top or bottom, but there's no way to begin from the middle and view outward from there.


the only archive that gives a semblance of a longitudinal view is highest of day, all. not that the highest of each day was necessarily the best photo, but these views do give one a sense of what was getting served up and popular for the time.

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