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Ratings Predictable from Evolutionary Psychology

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There are aspects of this image, Evening from my dreams

by Igor L, that are really good. The tone that IR gives an image

conveys a certain mood. Tinting is interesting but does not cobver up

major flaws. I am posting a desaturated version of this image to

display these compositional flaws. I personally would not display

such an image, tinted or not, though I have taken many such shots --

shots that don't merit public display. I am not going to belabor the

compositional flaws other than to say that the broken tree is

unsightly and displeasing aesthetically. That this image could rate

so highly despite these flaws says something about the objectivity of

rating here. I am glad Igor has such friends. His images in general

are very good. But something is not right when we rate everything he

does as 7's. I do not mean to pick on Igor. It is you his raters (you

who could make a pandering politician blush) that I have issue

with... and quite frankly I could care less how this effects me on

this site in future ratings by saying this -- rating that obviously

don't mean much.

Image Attachment: 2518447-lg.jpg

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Maybe some people like this shot more than you... Maybe some people enjoy

the dead tree in the foreground.. You seem to think that what makes an

image is objective and concrete, which is BS... Everyone has their own

opinion about an image, and if you don't like someone else's opinion.. tough



"rating that obviously don't mean much"

If it doesn't mean much, then why are you bringing it up?? Jealousy??

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You are far to civil and kind David. What this well known clique of raters are (easily identified by cross referencing their ratings) is actually only a group of shameless self serving mutual arse licker's. Some of them are capable photographers as well!
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I'm glad you posted a link to that photo. I can't wait to see his folder now. <b>:P</b> Just teasing ya'...


Your post made me have a look at your folder. Wow. I never knew black & white could be so luminous, and that beautiful... I felt as if I was looking into someone's dream. I've bookmarked it, you at least have another fan!

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I realize that David, but I don't think it's that big of a concern, nobody gets hurt

from the mate-raters. Yeah, I realize that it affects which pics make the

"highest rated" selection, but that folder doesn't really give a true indication on

what the "best" photos are anyways. Look at some of the W/NW photo

postings on the Leica and Street forums, some of the best photos on this site

are posted there and mostly without ever making the "highest rated" folder. I

don't think that posting and viewing photos should be regarded as a

competition, (which the mate-raters you mentioned are doing essentially) so I

personally don't care what people rate my or other's pics, I'll form my own

opinions on each photo I see.

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I realize that David, but I don't think it's that big of a concern, nobody gets hurt

from the mate-raters. Yeah, I realize that it affects which pics make the

"highest rated" selection, but that folder doesn't really give a true indication on

what the "best" photos are anyways. Look at some of the W/NW photo

postings on the Leica and Street forums, some of the best photos on this site

are posted there and mostly without ever making the "highest rated" folder. I

don't think that posting and viewing photos should be regarded as a

competition, (which the mate-raters you mentioned are doing essentially) so I

personally don't care what people rate my or other's pics, I'll form my own

opinions on each photo I see.

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I already reply yesterday very polite on your lowest rating on my picture over e-mail, gave you an example on post processing on one of the pictures from your portfolio, and explained how to improve your work (by the way - very nice shots and I really like it!). You send me e-mail, which I can forward to anybody, who is interested:


""""Igor, thanks for taking the time to respond. I meant no offense. I think your work is very good. You have many images that I belive I have rated highly. This particular work however does not rise to the level of ratings that it is recieving for the reasons I stated. In particular the broken tree in the forground is very unpleasing and distracting. Do you think all of your images are 6's and above? This is not your best work IMO. You can do all of the tinting you wish, but you are starting with a photo that is not very good. I stand by my rating -- it is an honest reflection of my opinon but it is just an opinion.


In the future you will recieve other ratings from me and I am sure some will please you. But you will know when I give 6's or 7's that they are not merely gratuitious.


my respects,

Dave Robinson""""


But something still bothering you? Like Jason Everitt saying;"If it doesn't mean much, then why are you bringing it up?? Jealousy??"


I am attaching your image(see before http://www.photo.net/photo/2391652), which I sent for you yesterday.


My respects,

Igor Laptev.<div>008qO9-18773784.jpg.4905a14ad471726a4a6959c3f8d20c97.jpg</div>

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What is the point you ask? I say this is an egregious example of a photo being propelled to the top of the ratings by friends. Friends who are rating highly not based on the merits of an image but because it furthers their own self-interest to do so. I too share a tendency to rate my friends more highly -- sometimes,I admit, in the hope that they will remember my kindness in the future. Also because if they have rated my images highly in the past, I confer even greater authority and value in their judgment by rating them highly. This is natural. We all want our images to be seen and appreciated. What I am suggesting is that we each take some responsibility to check our selfish impulses. But I reserve the right to occasionally, and I hope honestly, critique such works that make it to the top of the heap gratuitously.
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It's really quite meaningless. Internet nonsense, really.<p>


You are taking it much too seriously and there is no way, <b> ever </B> that the mate rating will stop. If it does, the site will cease to exist. They ignore negative comments in the Comments section and don't bother to come to the forums at all.<p>


Do you believe you are competing for a course grade?<p>



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"I too share a tendency to rate my friends more highly -- sometimes,I admit, in the hope that they will remember my kindness in the future. Also because if they have rated my images highly in the past, I confer even greater authority and value in their judgment by rating them highly."


This is absurd... You have a hissy fit over someone having his photo mate-rated, then you admit you do it yourself.. Have you heard the expression "the pot calling the kettle black"?

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Those who rate will not receive unbiased ratings and those who receive will not give unbiased ratings. Catch 22. (Apologies to the exceptions, but it is they who prove the rule.)


To give unbiased ratings, don't receive. To receive unbiased ratings, don't give.

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Would somebody please rate my pics 7/7 and send me an email as I can't see who did it and I'll reply with 7/7s on your pics?


This whole theme is pathetic, the rating system was ok, not perfect, but it worked. The way it is now, well, sucks.


PN is pandering to whinners. You guys take some great pictures, your processing is excellent, your maturity is lacking.


adios amoebas

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I only clicked on this thread to see if someone had something clever to say about how ratings related to evolutionary psychology (a subfield of my graduate studies). In the future, please title such threads more accurately. For example, "Petty twit with too much time on his hands pissing and moaning about other petty twits."
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<p>I've got a title to propose for this thread. Actually it's not mine. I nicked it off Deep Purple. The best song "Machine Head" never had -</P>


<i>"When A Blind Man Cries"</i>


<p>Anyway, ain't it time this thread got lynched? Me thinks its hours are surely numbered. Then we can all drop to our knees in prayer and say Amen together<p>.

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My list of prioritized issues and concerns on planet Earth


1) photonet ratings


2) US constitutional ammendment banning same sex marriage


3) global warming


We need a Dept Of Photonet Ratings Security and a color code system to track the current risk level. Definitely a 'code orange' on this one, bordering on an all out red alert.

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Several things wrong here.


1) I would suggest David bring up the ratings concerns in general, but not use Igor as specifically as you have done here. You ALREADY commented verbatim on the posted image itself. Why do so here as well?


2) I would hope that any private e-mail to you Igor, remain just that, private! While using your image as a sole example is not appropriate, in my opinion, I also feel that posting his personal e-mail here and on your image is not appropriate either.


3) Keith: You suggest not giving ratings. You also only have 20 comments altogether...most on your own images. What then DO you suggest we all do. Simply post images and thats it. No other involvement??


This thread is pretty sad altogether.

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