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low light event photograph


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Dear friends, Last event, a Baptism, I have shoot inside a church mostly with a wide angle and aperture almost full open.I used 550EX flash as fill with a Lumiquest diffuser. I am happy with the results. Please give your comments also. This style I hear from our dear Marc Williams through photonet. Thanks Marc for your great mind to share ideas. Equipment was 10D with 24-70/2.8 lens and iso 200<div>008tBx-18836284.jpg.6632c6db47852d259060dfe65dbff591.jpg</div>
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Paul, nice shot.


While it is strictly a matter of personal taste, you should know that the excessive red cast

caused by slightly underexposed tungsten light sources dominating a scene, can be easily

altered during post processing ... especially if you shoot RAW files. The white balance

options in RAW developers usually can get it most of the way there with a click of an eye-

dropper, or an adjustment of a color temp slider.


Here's your shot corrected all the way. You may or may not prefer it, or maybe prefer

something in-between this and your original, but you should understand that the option is


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I also think something in between would be better. Nice lighting tho.


There is one thing in this photo that is driving me nuts.. the microphone stand growing out of the mans's head!


As a person who learned on, and still shoots a lot of, film, I used to have to throw shots like that away and so learned not to take them.

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