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M 75 summilux performance at near focus ?


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I have never used the 80 R lens, but do use the 75 Summilux M lens often. Unlike yourself, I enjoy it at 1.4 for portraits. My caveat is that I rarely use it at 1.4 at minimum focusing distance, unless I want very narrow depth of field. In the near range, wide open, the 75 is sharp at point of focus, but the DOF is narrow and OOF areas are soft. Not knowing what you dislike about the combination of your 80, F1.4, and portraiture; I cannot specifically address your concerns. If you are questioning the differences between the 2 Summilux, I doubt you will discern much variation.
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I shoot close range and open with my 75 summilux and also have the 90 apo asph summicron. I like the 75 at close range and any aperture over the 90 AA. The 90 AA at head shot distance is a verypoor performer even compared to the v1 90 elmarit M. Head shot distance and f 1.4 gives very little margin for error in any lens.
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It is always interesting to hear when others opinions do not match with mine. I love the 80/1.4 for head shots wide open. It is not razor sharp, but atmospheric and certainly to my eyes gives a very pleasing portrait. Of course shooting at f1.4 gives a very thin depth of field which means it can be hard to make the shot work. This will be the same whether you are using an APO or any very fast lens wide open and very close.


The 80 is not best at f1.4 of course, in terms of raw performance; it gets better even stopped down a half stop and is very good at f2. The Summilux 75mm will be very similar - if it is a little better on paper (which it might be) my guess is what you gain here will be likely lost simply due to the greater difficulties of accurate focussing with the M r/f. Also of course it is 5mm wider.


My guess is if you don't like one then you won't much like the other.

Robin Smith
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