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ISO400 equivalent of Reala?

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I'm interested in low contrast and fine grain film to shoot aircraft

in airshows (which are very contrasty situations).


Researching in this forum I found out that Fuji Reala could be a

good solution. But isn't there any ISO400 film that could be used

when Reala is not fast enough, maintaining the small grain and low



I just don't want to get an almost black airplane against an almost

white sky, when it should be a white or grey airplane (sometimes

backlit) against a blue sky. Does anyone know what I should use in

this situation? I think slide film would only make things worse,

right? And how about a polarizer filter?

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I'd say NPH, having used it and Reala but not Portra 400UC. NPH seems to have punchier greens when combined with Frontier prints, tho'. I'm no expert on this stuff (I'm mostly a b&w guy) so part of that resemblance may be due to the paper my favorite lab uses.
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Low contrast and fine grain do not combine well in modern 400 films. You got either smooth grain with high contrast(Portra UC, Royal Supra, old Supra) or low contrast + some grain (Portra NC, Agfa Optima)


Fuji NPH is an exception from this rule, but I hate the way it renders green colors. Portra NC/VC is grainier, but greens are much better. Optima is really nice (though grainy), it is a pity that Agfa's film division is going to bankrupt...

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That's a good question, Jonas, and it's a search I've been on for a few months myself. Reala is my favorite film, but I prefer a 400-speed film for daily use. As one who likes Reala, for 400-speed film so far I have been most satisfied with NPH printed on Fuji Crystal Archive paper using a Fuji Frontier. Unfortunately, results vary, even from the same lab, with NPH sometimes seeming a little dull, and other times (like my most recent roll) beautifully saturated with medium contrast and great skin tones. Currently I am trying Kodak UC 400 which also will be printed on the Crystal Archive/Frontier combination. That is my experience, but really you will need to experiment with your own labs.
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Use Portra UC 400 over NPH. I shoot airshows every summer on 35mm and medium format, and found Kodak Supra 400 to be far better than NPH, and Portra UC 400 is the next best thing to Supra 400. Reala is awesome for ground displays under sunny skies. Slide film should be avoided unless you are familiar with it.


The contrast problems Jonas is referring to are due to poor lab processing on amatuer papers that also convinces SOME people to think UC 400 is a high contrast film. Maybe before 35mm film finally goes extinct, we can have a short 'Golden Age' where all amatuer print films and papers no longer exist, and only professional materials are available.


Max 400, Royal 400 and Superia 400 are higher in contrast than UC 400.

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Hey Jay that wasent a very nice remark. I was just trying to be helpful. Anyways Reala is a moderatly high saturated and low contrast film. UC as Scott says, is a moderatly saturated lowish-contrast film that fools some people because of processing problems. NC is not only low contrast but very flat expecially under cloudy skies.


NPH is also good as many people said, but it is higher grain when enlarged and the poster was asking about lower grain. UC as many have found has the grain of a 100 speed film.

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Bill, I would not suggest NPH as a faster Reala equivalent, because in my experience Reala is more saturated. Like Chris above, I have often had issues with the anemic nature of NPH. The same lab can produce great results one day and then, a few weeks later, the same operator produces 'less than perfect' prints on the same machine and the same paper. Weird, to say the least.


Jonas, if you like Reala stick with it. ISO 100 should do fine at an airshow.

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"...isn't there any ISO400 film that could be used when Reala is not fast enough, maintaining the small grain and low contrast?"



Yes, there is and it's PORTRA 400UC.

Trust the people who recommend you that film and you're not gonna be disappointed.

Take the film to a KODAK photo Lab and ask them to print your photos on Matte(my recommendation) Royal Gold Paper. I bet you, you're gonna love them.


"And how about a polarizer filter?"


It's a great idea (if it's sunny day) but don't forget that you are gonna lose from 1 1/2 to 2 stop if you use it' depends on the quality of the polarizer filer you have.

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