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It appears Velvia 50 is going to be unavailable in India going forward

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For the last couple weeks I have been prowling the local market like

a rabid dog for Velvia 50, my staple-food film.


It is not available *anywhere* (including other cities like Bombay

AFAIK) and the default answer I get is "Now that the faster Velvia

100F is available ..."/"Have you tried Velvia 100F" etc. type of

assorted BS. This is stupidity to the max ..


Now it is apparent to me that there was never that much of market

demand for RVP50 in India. Looks like Velvia 50 never sold terribly

well here -- and to the color-blind AF-camera-totting shutter-

happy "look Ma I'm shooting pro slide film" majority of local

amateurs, all that seems to matter is the Velvia name (which they

have been more and more familiar with last few years because of the

internet). This is frustrating. No one seems to want Velvia 50 any



Jindal Photo Films, official distributors of Fuji products in India

seems only interested in importing and selling as much RVP100F as it



One reason for my posting is I wanted to vent out. Besides, if this

is happening here, it might be happening in a few other countries as



For the life of me, I never anticipated this!

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Thom Hogan - a Nikon enthusiast (www.bythom.com) - has listed the demise of some brands of film as a part of his 2004 predictions.

"Buy 'em while you can #1; stock up on these films if you want them: Fujifilm Velvia (likely replaced by Velvia F), Astia 100 (currently only available in rolls since replacement by Astia F)...


His predictions ae to be taken with a grain of salt but I am glad that Velvia 50 is still available at B&H.

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Not a very smart marketing move. There is I think some cock-suredness or arrogance in this on the part of Fuji that their new stuff has to be so very good because they think it is so very good, ignoring user's opinions. As for this user, no problem, there is Kodak's E100G, the "un-velvia". Arnab, your friends in India need not worry.
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Arnab you're probably better off bulk ordering 100 rolls of Velvia 50 from the USA (B&H import) and storing them in a deep freeze. If local prices for Velvia in India are anything like in Canada the cost of shipping is more than deferred for an order of this size.
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Mazda Lab in Bombay is usually happy to handle special import orders. Also,

if you read the fine print of India's Customs and Excise Regulations (available

online, albeit in a totally incomprehensible format), you will find that importing

"sensitized finished photographic materials" is NOT forbidden to individuals.

Yes, there is a 30% duty or something like that, but it's not impossible. And

there is an exception (0% duty) for foreigners. So if you have any friends who

are foreign diplomats, you might be able to get the order done without the

shop mark-up.

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