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D70 Accessories


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Ok. I just purchased a Nikon D70 with kit lens and 256MB card for

$1325. (I feel it was a decent price.)


Now, as an amature, are there any gadgets I can't live without to go

with this new toy? I saw that the IR Remote was only like $20-$25

bucks and will probably pick that up.


Just curious. Any suggestions?

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All of the above PLUS


ZING action strap - $15 - Adorama


a WHOLE SLEW of lenses (most of which will cause you to auction your first born ... or rights there-to ;{)


Good monopod


Good circular polarized filter to fit at least your main working lens and for every lens a multi-coated ultraviolet/haze filter of good quality.





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A reasonably fast computer with a large clear high resolution monitor.


A USB 2.0 compatible CF card reader, and a USB 2.0 port on your computer. USB 1.0/1.1 will do (as the D70 conected directly to the computer runs at only USB 1.0 speeds).


Photo shop / paint shop pro / or some other moderate to high end imaging program, but throw in a few food filters to help you out in 'adjusting' your images aswell.


A HDD with a good few Gb of free space, and / or some sort of external storage drive for your images (should your computer get fried in an electrical storm or suffer some other 'heavenly ordained' fate).


A good developer close by who can whip up your images from the CF card, and maybe a good printer for the odd 'home made' image.

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The good computer I got. 120GB Drive Gig of ram 2.4GHz P4 and Photoshop CS. 19" monitor (Had a 21 - needs repair).


Ok. Some great suggestions...


now the next challenge... best bang for the buck accessory? What can I not live without for the money? :-)



Thanks so much. You guys rock!

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perhaps a modification of Peters suggestion: consider a firewire cardreader instead of usb 2. if your computer and/or laptop got firewire.

-> 120Gbyte HD ?- hey you are covered for the first 3 weeks :-P




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Early on with my little kyocera I got blurry shots like crazy. I went down and spent $50 and bought the mid-range and not the cheapy. It was one of the best $50 I could have spent. I totally agree with that one. I don't think I have fire wire but certainly could install a firewire adapter. that mightbe worthwhile as well. Good stuff. Thanks again.
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Monopod : a pod with but one leg to stand on.


Good for using in places with fixed seating (ie. theaters etc). Doesn't provide the same stability as a tripod, but gives you enough to bring down the shutter speed to compensate for low light.


Also just on the USB / Firewire thingy, check this page out :




(there's very little in it .. so get what ever's cheap and more readily available).

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USB 2 is faster than firewire so no need to go there. Don't know that I would have much need for the monopod deal. filters and lens covers and such are probably my next immediate purchase as I think they aren't extrenly expensive and pretty important. Anyone agree?
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Joe - sounds like a good priority set. Be prepared on the cost of filters though... you get what you pay for...



If you use lenses longer than 135mm I'd reconsider the monopod.

It's twice as convenient as a tripod, and about half the cost.

I never really thought about it until I used one once, wouldn't be

without one now. I'd never give up my tripod, but it hardly ever leaves the "studio" (my wife calls it the back bedroom, go figure).


When I go out with the S2 for a walk I take 3 thing minimum, 80-200 f2.8, 2x converter, and the monopod. YMMV


Also makes a great walking stick ;{)

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My wife's going to shoot me if I spend to much more money on this but I am timing the purchase perfectly with the sale of 6 of my prints which profited me about $550 after all expenses. :-) Most think these things through. hehe. I know I will need a good filter / protector for my lens. At least I keep hearing how vital it is. Any suggestions on a couple must haves for teh kit lens that comes with the D70?
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If my memory is correct you have the tripod (a real must and affordable as photo

equipment goes), and you either have or going to get a UV filter to protect your lens (I

have twice had filter save a lens from an impact against something).


Only had lenses as you discover what you need. If you really want grand view landscapes

then perhaps a wide ange or close-up/macro work then amybe a true macro lens.


That IR remote sounds like it could be worth it because a D70 I do not think will use a

standard cable release.


Just my 2 cents.



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