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Anyone used the 60CB yet?


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I never used the old version of the 60mm. I purchased one of the new CB lenses when they came out at the end of last year. I have found it to be an excellent lens. I am having a book published this week ("Twice in a Lifetime") to coincide with an exhibition of the same prints at the Zelda Cheatle Gallery in London. Half the contemporary prints were taken on the 60CB, half on a 120mm CF makro-planar. If you are in London, you can call in and make up your own mind!
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Since the optics in the CB 60 and CF 60 are exactly the same, there should be no difference in performance whatsoever. With a 60 CF I achieved extreme high resolution beyond 250 line pairs per millimeter on special high resolution b&W film (today4s sharpest color film in medium format, Fujichrome Velvia, can only resolve 160). So the Zeiss 60 mm is a great lens!


It is also great for groups at weddings: everyone and everything comes out very sharp, even with groups of 100 people and final print one meter wide. And no person close to the edge will be distorted too much.


<i>[Kornelius is an employe of Zeiss]</i>

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