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Any experience with the new Pentax 67 75/2.8 AL lens?


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In the past I have used the Takumar 75/4.5. I loved its lack of

distortion and its angle of view, but didn't like the colors and

contrast. Having sold it, though, I find I'm in need of a medium

wideangle. Has anyone seen results of the new 75/2.8? I would be

using it for both people and landscape photography (including

architecture, hence the emphasis on distortion).

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I don't know about the Takumar 75/4.5 but I own the current version of the 75/4.5. I am curious to know what problem you had with the lens, I assume you mean that it produced low contrast and a strong colour cast. Is this correct? Unfortunately I haven't used the new lens. If I had known that this new version was coming out I might well have bought it instead of the f4.5 version (depending on price of course as the 4.5 was really good value).
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The Takumar 75/4.5 I believe is an old (mine certainly was!) version of the current Pentax 75/4.5. The problems I had with low contrast may stem from the use of an older/cheaper coating: shooting into the light certainly cut contrast more than with my (newer) Pentax 105/2.4 and 165/2.8 lenses. As color casts are concerned, I can only say that the colors didn't look as vibrant as on shots taken with the other lenses (I'm slightly color-blind, so I'm a little careful here!). At the time, I was using an old Pentax 6x7 body, which made for difficult focussing in low light at F 4.5: another reason why the 75/2.8 sounds appealing.
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I agree, Vartan.... My 75 �4.5 seems to be on my camera a lot of the time. It seems that if I grab a camera and reach for single lens, it's the 75 that goes many times. I've been quite pleased with the results overall and must admit, I don't recall ever using it wide open. Because of my consistent use of the 75 (also seems the 135 Macro is used alot, too), I'm interested in the attributes of the new lens. Hopefully, someone out there has some hands-on experience. Has anyone seen any good, solid review info anywhere?
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The Dutch Camera Magazine tested the new 75 against the 75/4.5. They are always critical and thinking in real world terms (they test distortion and vignetting by shooting a brick wall).


Result: almost invisible distortion (better than the 4.5); edge-to-edge sharpness @ 5.6 (@11 for the 4.5). Sharpness and contrast are excellent; virtually no flare.


The new zoom 90-180: just a little bit distortion at the extremes. You don't need to refocus after zooming. Virutally no flare. Vignetting appears at the long end wide open, nothing at @8. After 2 stops (=@11)sharpness at its best(edge-to-edge). The also tested smc-pentax 200 was better re:vignetting and gets at full sharpness @5.6/8.


So they are very positive, and I know they are not always!


Hopes this helps.


PS And they love the way the lenses' bokeh - although they don't use the word. Images have a strong 3-dimensional quality.

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