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Is There a Way to Change the "Representative" Photo Shown in Folder Views?


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I have recently re-scanned from my single photo folder almost all my

(mostly ancient) B & W images and separated out 27 of them into a

separate B&W folder. All except two have not been submitted for

critiques and may never be. The comments and views (over 62,000)

therefore, are almost all the result of individual "clicks" on each

photograph, rather than having been placed on any "top" list, and

are especially valuable to me for that. The system apparently

automatically assigned the latest photograph -- a good enough photo

of Thailand wood chisels -- to display as the representative folder

photo, rather than the photo I would choose -- a photo of a balloon

vendor, which I have always regarded as the best photo I have ever

taken (or probably ever will take). I value the ratings and

comments attached to the portfolio -- and especially the ratings

giving by .[.Z (which I first resented and now respect), and don't

want to take down any photo and resubmit it, and thereby strip it

of "views", "comments" and "ratings". Any suggestions on how to

show what I regard is my best and most representative photo for that

folder, or am I always stuck showing the most recent upload

in "folder views" as the "representative" photograph? John (Brian,

I've mailed my check ;~))

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Phil, if you look under "Top Photos" under "Folder" headings, by day, three-day, week, etc. periods, you will find an image that represents the folder. It appears that image is the last image uploaded, as determined by the time it was uploaded to the system -- not by the time it was uploaded to the folder. For instance, when I created the B & W folder by carving 27 B & W photos out of my bulging "single photo portfolio", it apparently dragged all the information with each of the "moved" photos along with the "moved" photo, including the time and date each photo was uploaded to the system.


The "Balloon Man" photo was the first I uploaded to the system and therefore the last displayed, and the "Thailand Chisels" photo was the last B&W image uploaded that made it into the B & W portfolio I created -- and therefore for apparent reason of "time of upload" alone, identifies the "folder" under "folder views" -- a difficulty I'd like to remedy. John

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Although I had submitted the "Thailand Chisels" photo for critique and it earned high enough ratings, the "top photos" system went down shortly after it was posted, and so it never went through the full ranks of "top photos" lists, and ended up with about 3,000 views or so, if I recall.


Then, all of a sudden, after I created the B & W portfolio, the Thailand Chisels "views" began to soar, soon to over 6,000 views, and I went looking for the reason.


The apparent reason is that all the "views" (accumulated almost all click-by-click) from my B&W photos, were carried with them over in the move to my new B & W folder, and because of this the B & W folder instantly became one of the "top folders", because there were instantly over 60,000 "folder views" represented by "views" of the 27 photos in the folder.


It appears when someone "clicks" on the "representative" photo -- "Thailand Chisels" -- to get into my folder, the "Thailand Chisels" photo gets an accumulated "view". I think many more viewers would be inclined to "click" on my B & W folder if they're browing "top folders" if they saw the "Balloon Man" photo, which presently has about 3,500 views, and somehow this sytem of placing the "view" from the "click" into the folder on the "representative" and "last uploaded to the system" photo distorts the apparent attractiveness of the "representative photo.


(Simply put: I'd like to have "Balloon Man be displayed -- I think it's better, more attractive and more inviting, as opposed to what the system has chosen -- is there a way to do it?) John

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