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Lond tead time on Canon 10D

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just over 5 weeks ago i ordered a canon 10d from Jessops in the UK.

It still hasn't arrived, and I'm going on holiday in 2 days, and it

doesn't look like I'll get it before then. When I ring Jessops they

say they are waiting for a delivery from Canon, and once they get

this I will get the camera


From reading various forums I understand there is a bit of a long

lead time for a 10D in the UK, but this is getting really long. Does

anyone know how long I can expect to wait? Anyone got any advice on

speeding it up?



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I seem to recall reading somewhere that Canon have put all manufacturing effort into the 300D/Digital Rebel, and as a consequence the 1Ds, 1DmkII and 10D are in very short supply. York Cameras in London also indicated that orders for mundane equipment is taking up to 12 weeks to arrive, so I am not surprised.


Have you tried importing from USA - digital cameras are zero duty rated, but you will have to pay VAT. The cost savings could be substantial.




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One of the many Jessops shops ought to have a 10D in stock. Either call some of the stores yourselves or hassle your local store and ask them to do the same. Jessops can and do ship items from one shop to another whenever needed.


Alternatively check your local Jacobs store or give a call to Warehouse Express. They offer the same level of service and are usually cheaper. I bought mine from Jacobs a year ago and never had a problem.


Good luck and enjoy your holiday whichever camera you are going to take with you.

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If you don't get it before you go, cancel your order. Canon is going to announce a repacement for the 10D in two months, and you will want that instead.


(Don't ya just love starting rumors? I think it's more fun than reading them. Go ahead. Start your own. You can do it.)

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