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Softbox for Photogenic PL


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Most softboxes sold in the US can be adapted via the appropriate speedring to fit your monolight. Any of the following manufacturers' softboxes can be used with your PL: Photoflex, Westcott, Chimera, Plume, Calumet, and Larson.


To some extent, you get what you pay for in softboxes. The more expensive softboxes, such as those from Chimera and Plume, are manufactured with more durable fabrics and fixtures. If you are a hard-working pro, who frequently breaks down and reassembles your box, you will benefit from spending the extra bucks.


Personally, I think you may get your best value out of a Photoflex softbox. They are offered at a somewhat lower price point than most other boxes, yet are reasonably well made.


If you are shooting head and shoulders portraits, a medium size box will probably be the most versatile. A smaller box can be great when used in conjunction with another fill source and an extra large box can give wonderfully creamy tonality, but if I had to be stuck with one box, I'd go with the medium.


Size is not the only thing that matters. Softboxes are manufactured with different profiles, interiors, and diffusion fabrics. The softest light comes from boxes with white interiors and multiple diffusers. The most brilliant(specular) light is achieved from softboxes with silvered interiors and thin primary diffusers. It is hard to recommend a particular box construction to you without knowing the precise quality of light you are after.


If you are cost conscious, I'd recommend you give the Photoflex Litedome medium consideration. If you want some more versatility and are willing to spend the extra money, look at the Photoflex Multidome medium. These boxes will require you to purchase a speedring, at approximately $45 US Dollars.

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I've used a number of the Photoflex softboxes with my PowerLights; everything from the LiteDome Small to the OctoDome 7'. They're well made for the money and perform nicely.


Rather than go with the MultiDome I use Rosco gels on the internal diffuser. It's effective and very flexible.

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