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Are email alerts working??

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In your Workspace, it now tells you if your email address has been bouncing alerts, which is so in your case. It may be because your account is on Earthlink. We've been getting a lot of alerts bouncing back from Earthlink recently.


After more than a few alerts have bounced back from your mailbox over a time span of several days, the system marks your address as "bouncing" and stops sending you alerts. This is what has happened in your case. If the problem was temporary, you can clear the bouncing flag on your address by clicking the link in your Workspace, and this will cause the system to resume sending you alerts.

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Brian, I am also an earthlink.net user who is having trouble with my email alerts. I have not gotten one for several days. Can you tell me how to check for (and clear) the "bouncing" flag on my workspace?


I have looked around and can't find a "bouncing" flag. At my "Site Bureaucracy" box, when I click on "edit email alerts," it just says that my choices are enabled. Is there somewhere else I check to see if my account is bouncing the email alerts?


I appreciate your help. I will also check with earthlink to see if there is something they can do to help me.


Steve Sphar

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I am receiving alerts I set for individual threads (I have an alert set for this thread), but since 17-May, I haven't received any Daily Summaries that I set. (So far, both Nikon & Digital Darkroom daily Summaries)


Does anyone have this same problem? I wonder if my provider could be blocking it, but I seem to receive some mails and not others. So ...@photo.net must not be on their blacklist.


I don't find any note about Bounced Mail in 'My Workspace' or 'My alerts'.


Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?

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You could try sending yourself a Test message to your @photo.net mailbox and see if you get it. Also check that all of your alerts are enabled. (In your Workspace, click on Alerts Edit in the Site Bureaucracy box.)


In your workspace, if your email mailbox had been marked as bouncing, there would be a prominent message near the top. So if you don't see it, your mailbox is fine.

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I got the alert from your message. And I can send mail to myself @photo.net, and it gets forwarded and arrives OK. My provider must be blocking the JUST daily summaries. Which is completely strange.


I'm going to give them a call.

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I talked to my provider, they say that yes it is possible that just some mails from another domain, say, photo.net might be deliverd and others not, especially if photo.net has multiple outgoing SMTP servers, for example one for the individual messages and another for daily notifications, and another for e-mail forwarding. They say that it is possible, for example, that just one of the sending addresses gets blacklisted (as a spammer, open relay, or unsecured resender of viruses, whatever)


They would need an actual delivery failure report (If any), and that would say what's up.


If only SOME mails to me get bounced, but not all, would I still see a notice in "My Profile"?


In summary, I think I'm not telling anyone anything new, a server admin would know all this anyway. Mostly, they shift the problem to the sender of the mail, especially if they get blacklisted.

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I have not recieved my daily summaries for the B&W film processing forum for five days now. I have been having this problem off and on for many months now.


Brian, I asked you in my post yesterday where to check for a bounce flag in my workspace. Can you give me a reply?


Also, I checked with my provider and they said it would help them to research this problem from their end if they knew what error message you receive on bounced messages. Can you tell me if my messages are being bounced and what the error message is? This would help me greatly. Thanks for your help.


Steve Sphar

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Today, I just received my Nikon and Digital Darkroom Daily Summaries, for the first time in weeks.


If somebody did something to fix it, many thanks!


If not, go figure. the Internet is strange sometimes. But thanks in that case, anyway, too. You guys are great, and put up with a lot.

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Rob Platt, I don't think your problems were anything to do with the mail server or particular addresses being blocked. There was a problem with some of the forum alerts, which was fixed last night.


In general, ISP's will push all problems back to the sender, or anywhere else they can. However, you shouldn't accept that, when it is their mail server that is bouncing mail that is legitimate and which you want. At the least, they should be able to state why the message was bounced -- if it was because a sender was on a blacklist, then what blacklist it was, with an email address or a URL for the provider of the blacklist. Otherwise, the sender has no information with which to attempt to resolve the problem. I don't think it is the issue in your case (this time), but it could be a problem in the future. Its your mail account and your mail. Any provider can eliminate spam just by blocking any message that looks even a little bit by spam. If ISP's get grief when they deliver spam, and no grief when they block legitimate messages, guess how they will behave? Personally, I don't think that ISP's should filter mail messages unless the probability of it being wanted by the recipient is zero. When recipients ask questions about wanted messages being blocked, the ISP should feel that they are on the defensive and be prepared to give an explanation and help resolve the problem.

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