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Seeking a dead Pentax 6x7 lens


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I am seeking a dead lens of any focal length longer than the 55mm. It

doesn't need to have any glass in it, but it does have to be able to

mount on the camera and the helicoid focus needs to at least kind of

work. I'm willing to pay about 40 bucks plus shipping if anybody has

one they dropped on the pavement and couldn't bear to toss.


Thanks! Erik Ryberg, ryberg@seanet.com.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all. I lost the auctions for both helicoids and the dead 165 mm lens.


I actually didn't even know the helicoid existed, and have decided to buy one new; they aren't really that expensive (I mean, given the general rule of accessory prices . . . ). I'm getting some interesting results with single element lenses I buy surplus, and would love to hear if anyone else has done this. So far I haven't been able to focus them -- I just tape them to the extension tubes and move the camera to get the subject in focus. The helicoil will be a big improvement on that system.


Erik Ryberg

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