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Mamiya RB67 timed/long exposures


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Am I missing something when doing long exposures on the Mamiya RB67? The

"instruction manual" leaves much to be desired when describing timed exposures

(aka "bulb" for the rest of the photography world).


What baffles me is how you close the shutter after making an exposure - do you

really have to "turn the shutter speed ring toward the 1 sec mark"? Doesn't this

defeat the purpose of timed exposure photography, where by touching the camera

will introduce camera shake in the exposed photo?


I guess I'm used to a bulb settigng where you press the bulb and count

one...two...three... Then release the bulb and the shutter closes.


What is the proper way to achieve long exposures on the Mamiya RB67?

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Yeah, the time exposure system does leave a lot to be desired. Eventually I found that the

best way was to just pack a black card with me or the dark slide from an old 4x5 film

holder and use that to block the lens at the end of the exposure before turning the shutter

speed ring. This effectively ends the exposure in such a way that you don't have to worry

about camera shake.

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<i>Doesn't this defeat the purpose of timed exposure photography, where by touching the camera will introduce camera shake in the exposed photo?</i><br><Br>


Not really. All you have to do is put a hat or something in front of the lens to end the exposure, and then you can turn the shutter dial to close the shutter without any fear of camera shake. The advantage of the Mamiya method of long exposures is that you don't need a locking cable release (don't need to carry one, and you don't need to worry about it accidentally becoming unlocked).

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Enrico, the specific reason I stayed away from the RZ is that, from what I have read, it

limits your time exposure to 60 seconds since it drains the battery to have the shutter

open. So I assumed the RB would be simple. Guess I didn't read up on the details of

making long exposures with the RB.


Either way I'll just take it in stride. I purposely got the RB to change the way I shoot -

to make me think of things differently, to develop a different routine, to slow down. I

plan on having a gray card to meter off of, so why not a black card?


Thanks for the advice


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hehe.. brett - i figured the issue with RZ would be non existent with the RB, so youre not the only one! I didnt mind shooting 6x6 so I instead added a mamiya TLR to my gear and pretty much exclusively use the TLR for timed exposures (outdoor night photography). If I want to shoot 6x7 then I resort to the RB. As for the RZ - dont use for exp longer than 45 sec. In all, the hat/car over the lens method is fine.
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when you are doing timed exposure, the vibration you introduce while cocking or rotating the shutter dial lasts for a fraction of a second. This will not be seen on the film because the light available is very little in the first place (that's why you are using long exposure). Don't worry about introducing shake...
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My problem was more to do with timing. I recently shot a bunch

of 4 second exposures, using a digital metronome. It does

seem to work well. I set the metronome for 1 audible beat per

second with an accent on the 4th beat. It allowed me to dry run in

my mind the 4 second countdown and get the feel of it, so that

when the exposure was made I didn't succumb to my previous

panic stations practice of opening the shutter -- counting and/or

looking at a watch hand -- grabbing the cocking lever -- missing

the count with no rehearsal, then doing it all over again!


Regards - Ross

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