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Yosemite high country in July


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I'm thinking of going to the Tuolomne meadows area in the next week or two, but I was

hoping someone could help me out with some info, like:


1- Are the wildflowers out in this area yet?


2- Are the mosquitoes out in this area yet??


3- What is your favorite spot in this area, within a day-hike of the road? Bearing in mind

having to get back to the car before dark?


I've been to the valley many times, usually in off-season when Tioga road is closed.

I drove through the area once, but I didn't have much time to explore, and no

time to hike. I already have the Michael Frye book, just looking for other people's

impressions plus he doesn't say much about when wildflowers show up. Besides, I think

the melt-off was early this year.


Thanks for any help.

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Can't help you on the timing of mosquitos or flowers, but let me encourage you to

consider a day hike into the Hall

Natural Area, off the Saddlebag Lake road, a mile or so east of the Tioga Pass entrance

station. Walk up the canyon towards Mt. Conness (and climb to the peak of you like).

The scenery on this walk (especially when you get past the small cabin in the Natural Area)

is stunning (with or without wildflowers). You'll need a Wilderness Permit.

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Cannot tell you about the wild flowers but if Toulomne meadows is anything like the area around Lee Vining then Yes The MOSQUITOES

are out. Lundy lake was moderatly bad but the area just north of there near Dog town was really bad counted about 30 bites in a 15 min. period. I am usually in the area the last week of June and this is the worst I can remember. Have fun just got back and am planning another trip later in the year, John Gettis

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I just returned from t. meadows. Yes, there are wildflowers out even up on

mount dana. The mosquitoes are out but in pockets. I found it to be bearable.

The best part has been the afternoon storms that begin at about 3:00PM and

bring plenty of rain and even hail. As these storms clear near sunset the light

is amazing. I really like the hike down to Glenn Aulin.

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I, like Hugh, was in Toulomne Meadows last week. Never being there before we were overwhelmed with the beauty and diversity of wild flowers in Yosemite. Usually a herd of deer browsing in the meadows every morning/evening. Mosquitoes were consistent every evening an hour before sunset. We had frost on several evenings and day temps in the 70s. If convienient, take in sunrise/sunset from the large rock mountain at the edge of the Toulomne Meadows on the right side going west from the campground. You can see the whole meadow from this rock face as well as a good view of Cathederal Point. Enjoy your trip!
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I have been to Tuolumne several times and it is one of my favourite places to photograph. Since you have the book, probably my suggestions are redundant. Still, FWIW, here they are. Tioga lake at sunrise is a real great place ---you probably will see several pretty postcards of it at the visitor center. Two day hikes which are worth doing for the views are Cathedral lake (the upper one) and Elizabeth lake. Both of them lead to alpine lakes with beautiful white granite peaks rising above them ---Cathedral peak for Cathedral lake and Unicorn peak for Elizabeth lake. The evening light at Cathedral lake promised to be amazing, but I left a litle early because I had to get back to car before dark :(. When I go again, I plan to carry my headlamp with me and do the hike out in the dark. The trail is pretty clear and not difficult. Early morning at Tuolumne river is nice as well.

Midway between Tuolumne and Tioga Pass, there is a small tarn by the right side of the road. It is very popular at sunset with photographers for the reflection of Mt Dana and Gibbs.

Mono lake is another very popular destination, but that's a whole different topic. I have some Tuolumne pictures in my folder if you care to have a look.

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