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Gallery search by camera used??


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I may be wrong, but it seems to me I used to be able to search the photo.net gallery for

images made with a certain camera that had been posted. In other words, if I wanted to

see all images posted on the site taken with a Koni Omega or Mamiya 6, I could do so. But

now i can't seem to do that anymore. Or am I mistaken? Is there some way to do this?




frank weir


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I agree insofar as it isn't crucial information to know the camera/lens, but it certainly might be interesting - for the same reason that attaching the equipment used to photo descriptions. Who knows what interesting visual trends might come (or not come) from being able to look at that info in aggregate?
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There used to be a gallery search feature which was sometimes interesting for browsing how others treated similar subject matter (e.g., "bowling"), but the feature didn't work well. The search button on the <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/forum?topic_id=1481">critique page</a> is still there, but the function's been suspended (abandoned?), along with all the "List" links for some time.<p>


The feedback forum archives are littered with requests for gear-oriented searches (~10 so far this year). It might be interesting to search for something visually unusual, like "fisheye" or "IR", but is it all that useful to separate 800px-wide JPEGs by what camera was used?<p>


ADMINISTRATORS ? I know you have a long list of possible projects, but I suggest enabling Google indexing to the gallery. Searching is absolutely core to site navigation.

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Since I shoot film and am always interested in the type of film used in the gallery photos, I'd also like a way to filter out the digital ones. Not that they aren't great photos, but they don't tell me anything if I'm trying to compare characteristics of different films.
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