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Need more lab help in Oakland county, MI

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I need some more help trying to find an inexpensive Pro/Semi-pro lab

to take my friends wedding photo's to. The problem is that these are

abit out of my friends price range (given that i took 20 rolls of 36

exposure). My friend is on a very tight budget and he cannot afford

the $600 that it would cost for a true pro lab would charge to

develop and proof the pictures.


I'm looking for labs in Michigan in Oakland and all the outlaying



I have had the following sudgestions:

Titan professional in Troy

Tricolor in Clawson

www.michiganphoto.com (very good, but expensive)


I used Kodak portra film for the wedding. I would like to take the

film to somewhere that at least knows what they are doing... Or just

a lab that can develop and scan the film at high resolution (maybe

do color corection) for a resonable price.


Any sugestions would be very much appreciated!


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Any reasonably well run lab should be able to develop the film with no problem, and make cheap 4x6 prints. The C-41 processing machines at a mini-lab should do no harm, so long as the lab isn't pinching pennies by skimping on chemical replenishment. Then, use those as proofs of the composition, lighting, and expressions, and only pay real bucks for professional prints of the exposures that "count".


Just be sure they won't scratch the negatives in processing. Bring one roll first, and see how it comes out. You can reduce the scratching risk by asking them NOT to cut the negatives -- the film cutting station is often a dirty den of iniquity...

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