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A Good non studio book - Photographing Children

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I understand photography pretty well, and have been shooting for

about 8 yrs. I am buying my wife an EOS for her birthday and her

main subjects will be the kids. I need a good book that goes

beyond Point and Shoot techniques but not designed for a pro

with studio lighting etc. The idea is to let my wife learn things

such as it's better too shoot wide open if the BG is distracting,

NOT to let the camera pop that annoying liitle flash unit up except

maybe for fill flash, the advantages of natural light, how and why

to use reflectors, etc.

See I could tell her all this but I think she thinks I'm crazy when I

try to tell her these things. For example she looks at me like I'm

crazy when I tell her to "hold this piece of poster board and reflect

some light onto the dark side..."etc

Any sugestions

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I think the best is Arthur Elgort's book, CAMERA READY: HOW TO SHOOT YOUR KIDS. It is,

though, not a very 'technical' book. It is more of a wonderful portfolio of examples, with

interspersed narrative about his approach to making the photographs. The pictures are all

of his (famed fashion photographer, Elgort) three children, mostly b+w.


There are recommendations on film, cameras, lenses, etc., but non-specific. He usually

just gives a range of choices, and briefly explains why these things have worked for him.

He touches upon lighting situations, more than lighting technique, as almost all of the

pictures are made with ambient light. Most of the pix rely on shallow depth of field/bokeh,

either as an effect, or because he favors natural light without flash, indoors or out....




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