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Today's (June 15, 2004) New York Times Crossword

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If I were a Leica executive I would be thrilled that ANYONE considered Leica a rival to Nikon. Given that Nikon is an enormous global brand and a household name and a very respected camera brand in its own right. (Respected and used by many Leica users and many Leica owners on this forum I should add.)


Yes Leica did it first (and did it better) and still does it better in a niche market sort of way (better at making precision built, mechanical rangefinders and optics) but Nikon is no slouch at coming out with fine cameras and optics AND have cornered a market that Leica & Rollei made their own in the 1930s - 1950s, namely the professional photojournalists camera of choice.


Yes (with my hypothetical Leica executive hat on again) if lots of New Yorkers got that clue correctly I would be thrilled.

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I don't know. With a $4K Leica rig I can take some darn nice pictures in the 15-90mm range. With a $4K Nikon rig, I can do macro, short tele (400mm or less), and much in between. With either a Timex or a Rolex...I can still only tell the time. Impressively or not. I think there is a world of difference between Rolexes and Leicas. I only wish more people felt the same...then maybe they woudln't be so darn expensive. (Slightly OT, but had to rant a bit. Thanks for letting me get it out of my system)


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